This game is real easy to get points but very repetitive and time consuming. The very nature that most people have got 960 points, because the need to repeat the entire game again to get the last 40 points, is discouraging. However if you are prepared to go the distance, congrats.
The bane of this game is the Lego pieces. If you were to do this game legit, then collecting 5,000,000 pieces would take weeks if not months. However there is a cheat to collect them by standing at a sweet spot and placing a elastic band over the controller and leaving it over night. You will also collect kill enemy achievements, so it is a quite productive cheat.
There is no need for a walkthrough as it is quite easy to know what to do after your first mission. It is almost impossible to die, as there are “masks” to pick up which will replenish your health. The boss fights are basically just mini games after you drain their health, and they are pretty lame.
To make the game go a little bit faster, buy the 50% discount from the shop as soon as you can afford it. Then upgrade your “masks” to the max. I upgraded Nupara first and he just destroyed a lot of things easily.
Lego / Kill Cheat
Once you completed the “blue” stage, a boss fight will be available. (I think it is called Vezoks Deluge) Go enter the boss fight, then shoot the enemies inside until you reach “Hero” mode, which will make you invincible. Go to the right of the area and you will see two rocks you can stand in between. The boss should be up on some rocks and out of sight.
Just place an elastic band over the controller so it holds down the “A” button. This will make your character continually attack. Go do something like shopping, or watch another TV, and then come back. In eight hours, you should collect over 3 million Lego pieces and get all the “Kill Bohrok, Visorak,and Vakhi achievements” along with the 50, 100, 250 kills with each characters (masks) achievements. Remember to hit “RB” every hour or so to switch masks.
Extra Tip : SHADYSHEEDY recommends doing this trick on the green stage boss if you want some variety.
Scorched Earth completed 20 G
Scorched Earth completed.
All you need to do is to simply beat each of these levels. Ater each level, a new one will become available and then eventually a boss fight. There are 25 levels altogether.
Just shoot and destroy anything you see. Between each level, you can go to the shop and buy some upgrades. The game becomes easier once you start to upgrade.
Volcanic Trail completed 20 G
Volcanic Trail completed.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Fiery Mine completed 20 G
Fiery Mine completed.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Hakann’s Pit completed 20 G
Hakann’s Pit completed.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Piraka Bluff completed 20 G
Piraka Bluff completed.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Smugglers Cove completed 20 G
Smugglers Cove completed.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Shattered Wreck completed 20 G
Shattered Wreck completed.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Vezok’s Deluge completed 20 G
Vezok’s Deluge completed.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Decrepit Dungeons completed 20 G
Decrepit Dungeons completed.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Cleansing Plant completed 20 G
Cleansing Plant completed.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Menacing Keep completed 20 G
Menacing Keep completed.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Avak’s Dynamo completed 20 G
Avak’s Dynamo completed.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Flooded Lowlands completed 20 G
Flooded Lowlands completed.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Mountain Path completed 20 G
Mountain Path completed.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Blizzard Peaks completed 20 G
Blizzard Peaks completed.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Thok’s Grotto completed 20 G
Thok’s Grotto completed.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Logging Post complete 20 G
Logging Post complete.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Ancient Forest complete 20 G
Ancient Forest complete.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Forgotten Shrine complete 20 G
Forgotten Shrine complete.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Zaktan’s Chamber complete 20 G
Zaktan’s Chamber complete.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Desert Outpost complete 20 G
Desert Outpost complete.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Bleak Refinery complete 20 G
Bleak Refinery complete.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Ancient Citadel complete 20 G
Ancient Citadel complete.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Reidak’s Bastion complete 20 G
Reidak’s Bastion complete.
See “Scorched Earth completed” achievement above.
Vezon’s Awakening complete 20 G
Vezon’s Awakening complete.
This is completed when you defeat the last boss.
Defeat 100 Bohrok 20 G
Defeat 100 Bohrok.
You can easily get Bohrok and Visorak as you play through the game. Vahki are not so frequent. If you have enough Lego pieces, go purchase some bonus levels from the store. Each bonus level has different enemies. Bonus level 3 has Vahki that you can kill. You could also pick up some of these using the “Lego / Kill Cheat” at the top of this guide.
The achievements only unlock after the end of the level.
Defeat 500 Bohrok 20 G
Defeat 500 Bohrok.
See “Defeat 100 Bohrok” achievement above.
Defeat 1000 Bohrok 20 G
Defeat 1000 Bohrok.
See “Defeat 100 Bohrok” achievement above.
Defeat 100 Visorak 20 G
Defeat 100 Visorak.
See “Defeat 100 Bohrok” achievement above.
Defeat 500 Visorak 20 G
Defeat 500 Visorak.
See “Defeat 100 Bohrok” achievement above.
Defeat 1000 Visorak 20 G
Defeat 1000 Visorak.
See “Defeat 100 Bohrok” achievement above.
Defeat 100 Vahki 20 G
Defeat 100 Vahki.
See “Defeat 100 Bohrok” achievement above.
Defeat 500 Vahki 20 G
Defeat 500 Vahki.
See “Defeat 100 Bohrok” achievement above.
Defeat 1000 Vahki 20 G
Defeat 1000 Vahki.
See “Defeat 100 Bohrok” achievement above.
100 victories with Jaller 20 G
100 victories with Jaller.
You should get these kills with different characters, just by playing the game. Just remember to switch characters once in a while. You need to get kills with Jaller, Hewkii, Nuparu, Hahli and Matoro.
Use the “Lego / Kill Cheat” at the top of this guideif you like, to get these with little effort.
250 victories with Jaller 20 G
250 victories with Jaller.
See “100 victories with Jaller” achievement.
100 victories with Kongu 20 G
100 victories with Kongu.
See “100 victories with Jaller” achievement.
250 victories with Kongu 20 G
250 victories with Kongu.
See “100 victories with Jaller” achievement.
100 victories with Hewkii 20 G
100 victories with Hewkii.
See “100 victories with Jaller” achievement.
250 victories with Hewkii 20 G
250 victories with Hewkii.
See “100 victories with Jaller” achievement.
50 victories with Nuparu 20 G
50 victories with Nuparu.
See “100 victories with Jaller” achievement.
150 victories with Nuparu 20 G
150 victories with Nuparu.
See “100 victories with Jaller” achievement.
100 victories with Hahli 20 G
100 victories with Hahli.
See “100 victories with Jaller” achievement.
250 victories with Hahli 20 G
250 victories with Hahli.
See “100 victories with Jaller” achievement.
50 victories with Matoro 20 G
50 victories with Matoro.
See “100 victories with Jaller” achievement.
150 victories with Matoro 20 G
150 victories with Matoro.
See “100 victories with Jaller” achievement.
Collect 2,500,000 LEGO Pieces 20 G
Collect 2,500,000 LEGO Pieces.
Use the “Lego / Kill Cheat” at the top of this guide. This is very time consuming.
Collect 5,000,000 LEGO Pieces 20 G
Collect 5,000,000 LEGO Pieces.
Use the “Lego / Kill Cheat” at the top of this guide. This is very time consuming.
100 % game completion 40 G
100 % game completion.
This is tough achievement. It could only be possible if you play the entire game again, as some areas are only unlocked after you upgraded a mask.
You will need to be gold on each level and buy everything in the store. Possibly you need to collect every cannister, although some people have unlocked it without every cannister. Other’s have required every cannister for the achievement to unlock. Some have suggested it depends on how much gold levels you completed.
Your best bet is to get gold medals for each level and the bonus stages, then collect cannisters if the achievement did not unlock.
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