This is definitely one of the easiest games to unlock 1000 points. CSI : Hard Evidence is basically a point and click game. No need to fight a boss or even beat it on a hard difficulty, as you will still get maximum achievements on any ranking.
Because this site is about easy points, then I am going to show you obviously the quick and dirty method. I've excluded the extra points for thoroughness and bug collecting as they do not affect achievements and will slow you down. You will not get top marks for solving the cases, in fact you will just scrape through. But hey, do you care? If you are not at all interested in the cases and are pressed for time, then you need to skip the conversations. Just click the "B" button until you get to the end of the scene.
I suggest going through the tutorial first. It's quite short and it will save a lot of time on how to use things and the PDA.
Burning For You 200 G
Solved Burning For You on any ranking.
Crime Scene: Alley – First click on the windscreen, use camera to take a photo of the body. Then click on the car, use camera. Click on the foot print next to the rear tire, then use the tweezers to get red plastic piece. Click on the foot print again then use the casting plaster to get a cast of the foot print.
Move to the right of the car, then towards the bushes near the fence. There's a broken section. Click on the fence then use the gloves to pick up the blue Jean fabric. In the evidence screen, use tweezers to get the flake of skin from the blue Jean fabric. Back out and move to the right. Go to the fence. Next to it is a can of turpentine. Use Latex Gloves to pick it up, then use fingerprint powder and adhesive lifting tape, to get the finger print. It is right under the lettering. Move all the way to the left. You should see a dumpster. Next to the dumpster on the right is a gas can. Click on it and use the gloves to pick it up. Now we need to take all this evidence back to the mobile lab.
Mobile Analysis Unit – There are four computers here . Go to the Trace Analysis laptop which is in the back of the Unit.
Choose Shoe Prints / Tire Treads > Comparison A > Foot Print Cast. Click on comparison B > CSI sample D. Click back and choose Finger Prints from can of Turpentine > Comparison A, and then choose Comparison B > LVPD Records > Result B . It will match the upper right square. Drag the fingerprint to the top right and click Confirm Match.
Next go to the Chemical Analysis laptop. Add each item, The Gas Can, Blue Jean Fabric and The Turpentine Can, one at a time and click on Analyze Item.
Morgue – Ask the Doc to recover the body. Double click and you will get a close-up of the body. Click on the Doc and ask all questions. Go to the table on the table and use gloves to take the photo in the pocket from the shirt. Ask the Doc about any other items then go back to the lab.
Lab - Use the Trace Analysis Computer and choose Victims Fingerprints > Comparison A > Comparison B > LVPD Record A. Go to the Comparison Microscope > Comparison A, add Red Plastic, then click Comparison B > CSI samples B. Then use the Chemical Analysis Computer on the cab driver's shirt.
Brass Office – Ask Brass and click on all questions. Ask for a warrant for Ed Danville. He will put out an APB for him. Now you need to LEAVE to any other location. Click on anywhere, then come straight back. Ask a new question, then Brass will give you a new location, a mini golf course.
Abandoned Mini Golf Course – Ask the hippy, Ed Freeborn all questions. He will come back for further questioning.
Interrogation – Ask Ed Freeborn (Danville) all questions to get some new leads. A new location will be added.
Tribal Leader House – Ask Debra all questions. Go to the fridge and pick up the flyer. Ask Debra all new questions. A new location will be added.
Fire Temple – Ask Liz Sunderland all questions. Brass will phone about a new location.
Garage – Click the passenger side of the car. Move toward the car and use the flashlight to find a matchbook on the floor. Click on the matchbook, then use the gloves to pick them up. Examine it and use the Ninhydrin to get a fingerprint. Back out and then go to the back seat. Use the flashlight to find a used match, pick it up with tweezers, examine it and turn it over, use Ninhydrin to get a fingerprint.
Go to the removed car doors on the right. Pick the third door and take the Bank Deposit Slip. Then go back to the front of the car, look at the dashboard and pick up the Sat-Nav with gloves.
Go behind the car and you will see removed car seat. Click on the seat and use the flashlight, then the gloves to pick up a lighter. Examine it using the fingerprint powder and the adhesive lifting tape.
Lab – Use the Trace Analysis Computer select Fingerprints > Comparison A > Fingerprint From Matchbook > Comparison B > LVPD Records > Result A. Then click Reset > Comparison A > Fingerprint From Lighter > Comparison B > FBI Records > Result B . Bottom right square matches. Reset > Comparison A > Partial Print from Match > Comparison B > LVPD Records > Result B. Bottom left square matches.
Go back and then select Special Search. Click Evidence > GPS device > Analyze Item. Do exactly the same with the bank receipt.
Brass Office – Ask all new questions. You’ll get a search warrant for the Tribal Leader house.
Tribal Leader House – Ask Debra new questions. Move over to the window and use the gloves to take the matchbook. Turn around and head into the bedroom. Check the shoes in the closet to your right then ask Debra a new question.
Fire Temple – Ask Liz new questions. Click on the stage , then the curtain at the back and you will enter a room at the back. Go to the chest next to the bed and move the blue poncho to find a used condom. Messy work, huh? Use the UV tool, then pick it up with a tweezer. Examine the condom and use the Integriswab to get a sample. Use it on the inside and outside of the condom by revolving it, to get two different samples.
Back out and move to the right to find a can of turpentine on some boxes. Use gloves to pick it up. Go back to Liz, ask more questions and you will get a DNA sample from her. Brass will phone that Sara has some security footage at the lab.
Lab – Go to the Trace Analysis Computer select Video / Image Enhance > Evidence > Video Tape. Click Play to watch the video, then click Frame > click it eight times (until you see a blue arm in the window) > click Enhance. You’ll get still photo of someone wearing a blue poncho.
Go to DNA Analysis Computer > Comparison A > Swab from Outside of Condom > Comparison B > Liz’s DNA > Confirm Match.
Fire Temple – Click on the stage , then the curtain at the back and you will enter a room at the back again. Look at the chest next to the bed and use the gloves to take the poncho. Examine it and turn it to see the left sleeve. Use the Adhesive Mount to get some Singed Fibres. Go to Liz and ask some new questions.
Tribal Leader House – Ask Debra some new questions. She will eventually give you a DNA sample.
Lab – Go to DNA Database > Add flake from Blue Jean Fabric > Swab from Inside of Condom > Confirm Match. Then go to the Comparison Microscope > Add Singed Fibers from Poncho. A warrant will become available.
Go to Trace Analysis Computer > Fingerprints > add Partial Print from Used Match > Comparison B > LVPD > Sample B.
Brass Office – Ask all questions and ask to interrogate Ed Danville.
Interrogation – Ask Ed Danville everything and he'll give a Singed Hair Sample.
Lab – Go to the DNA Analysis Computer > Comparison A > Singed Hair from Ed > Comparison B > Collected Evidence > add Flake from Blue Jean Fabric > Confirm Match. Choose Comparison B again > Collected Evidence > Swab from Inside Used Condom > Confirm Match.
Brass Office – Ask to question Ed Danville.
Interrogation – Ask Ed Danville every question. You should by now, be familiar of how this game progresses. Yeah, ask every question.
Brass Office – Ask Brass for a suspect warrant for Liz Sunderland.
Interrogation – Ask Liz every question.
Brass Office – Ask for a questioning warrant for Debra Finch.
Interrogation – Ask Debra every question.
Brass Office – Now you can ask Brass for a search warrant for the Mini Golf Course.
Abandoned Mini Golf Course - Enter the windmill. Click on the mattress to push it aside. Click on the left golf ball and push into the hole. Exit the windmill and go down the stairs on the right. Examine the tube pipe on the windmill, then go back inside the windmill. Click on the second golf ball and push it into the hole. Exit out and go back to the right of the windmill and you will see that the second ball has dislodge a roll of cash. Use gloves to pick up the cash, examine it and use the tweezers to get the hair stuck in the elastic band.
Lab – Got to the Chemical Analysis Computer > add Roll of Cash > Analyze Item. Then DNA Analysis Computer > Comparison A > add Hair from Roll of Cash > Comparison B > Collected Evidence > Victim’s DNA.
Brass Office – Ask for an arrest warrant for Ed Danville.
Interrogation – Ask Ed every question. Eventually he will crack like a wuss and Case Solved.
Double Down 200 G
Solved Double Down on any ranking.
Crime Scene: Apartment - Go towards the door to your right and find blood drops. Use the Leuko Crystal Violet, (LCV) and then examine them using the Integriswab. Back out and then go to the window. Use the tweezers to grab the bullet from the hole in the wall. Examine it using the Adhesive Mount on the green material stuck to it .
Next go to the bedroom and then use the camera take a picture of the bedroom and the bed. Click on the bed and use the Integriswab on the pool of blood to take a swab. Click on the bed sheet and use the Ultraviolet (UV) tool to highlight some fibres, then the Adhesive Lifting Tape to pick them up. Go to the chest of drawers to the far right, use the Flashlight to find a photo, then take it using gloves.
Next to the bed on the left is a cell phone. While examing it, turn the phone over and use the Integriswab to get a sample. You will get a phone call from Sara about the location of the hospital.
Hospital – Just ask Connie every question to learn more about her wounds.
Lab – Go to the Comparison Microscope > add Fibres from the Bedsheet > CSI Samples > Result B. Then go to the Trace Analysis Computer > Special Search > Evidence > Photo of Couple > Analyze Item. Do exactly the same with the cell phone.
Next go to the DNA Database > Comparison A > Blood From The Bed > Comparison B > Collected Evidence > Blood from Cell Phone. It will match the blood from bed.
Casino High Rollers Room – Question Shane Michaels. You will follow him to the hospital.
Lab – Sara at the lab will give you new information.
Hospital – Ask Shane Michaels some new questions. You will then get a phone call from Sara with information on the cell phone. Ask Shane Michaels more questions. He will eventually let you take a DNA sample from him.
Lab – Go to DNA database > Comparison A > Shane Michaels DNA > Comparison B > Collected Evidence > Blood Drops from the Apartment. Match.
Brass Office – Ask Brass for a warrant to question Shane Michaels.
Interrogation – Grill Shane Micheals every question. You will get a call from Sara that Connie is awake at the hospital.
Hospital – Ask Connie every question and she will give you her DNA and photo of her wounds and a chance to search the Luxury Suite. Ask Connie more questions. Then go to the side table and pick up with gloves her Pregnancy Diagnosis. Click on the dress, examine it using the Adhesive Lifting Tape to grab some fibres.
Lab – Go to the Trace Analysis Computer > Video / Image Enhance > Photo of Wounds. They look like they could be self-inflicted wounds. Go to DNA database > Comparison A > Connie's DNA > Comparison B > Collected Evidence > Blood from The Phone. Match. Do the same with Blood From The Bed. Another match.
Luxury Suite – Ask Everett Brower and Nicole Watt every question.
Brass Office – Ask Brass a question about Security Photos and then ask for a search warrant for the Luxury Suite.
Luxury Suite – Tell Everett Brower you have a search warrant. Everett Brower will then give you a DNA sample. Quiz Nicole Watt every question. Go to the bar near the piano. Use Leuko Crystal Violet on the knife, then use the Integriswab on the blood. Move out and go to the piano. Pick up the green cloth from the piano stool.
Head upstairs to the bedroom and find a gun in a case. Use the gloves to pick it up. Click on Nicloe Watt's overcoat on the bed and use the Adhesive Lifting Tape to pick up some fibres. Then go downstairs to ask Everett Brower about the gun.
Lab – Go to the Comparison Microscope > Comparison A > Fibers from Bed Sheet > Comparison B > Collected Evidence > Fibers from Nicole’s Watt's Overcoat. Confirm Match.
Brass Office – Ask Brass for a warrant to interrogate Nicole Watt.
Interrogation – Quiz Nicole Watt every question. You will get a phone call from Sara about Connie.
Hospital – Ask Connie every question. You will get a Baby DNA Report.
Lab – Go to the DNA Database > Comparison A > Baby DNA Report > Comparison B > Everett Brower DNA . Like wow, a paternity match! Time for loads of talking.
Brass Office – Ask Brass for permission to talk to Shane Michaels.
Interrogation – Ask Shane Michaels every question. He will give you a torn photo.
Brass Office – Ask to talk to Nicole Watt.
Interrogation – Ask Nicole Watt every question.
Luxury Suite – Ask Everett Brower every question.
Hospital – Ask Connie some new questions.
Brass Office – Ask again to talk to Shane Michaels.
Interrogation – Ask Shane Micheals more questions.
Lab – Go to the Evidence Assembly Table. Click on the gun to get a bullet.
Click on the envelope and piece together the torn photo. This can be a little tricky, but you should get a photo of a couple in front of a lift. Now go to Comparison Microscope > Comparison A > Bullet From Everett Browers Revolver > Comparison B > Collected Evidence > Bullet From The Wall. Rotate the bullets and you will find not quite a match.
Add the green cloth to learn some information.
Brass Office – Ask to interograte Nicole Watt.
Interrogation – Ask Nicole Watt some new questions.
Hospital – Ask Connie some new questions.
Lab – Go back to the lab and Sara will give you some security photos.
Brass Office – Ask Brass for a warrant to search Everett Brower's laptop and papers.
Luxury Suite – Look at the dining table. Use gloves to take the Printed Email and the large envelope with the Pre-nup Agreement. Look at the medications and then examine the Laptop. Use the USB Data Drive on the laptop to get a file from it.
Lab – Go to the Trace Analysis Computer > Special Search > Evidence > Encrypted File from laptop > Analyze Item.
Brass Office – Ask Brass for an interrogation warrant for Everett Brower.
Interrogation – Ask Everett Brower every question.
Luxury Suite – Walk upstairs to the bedroom. At the back of the room, pick up the USB Drive from the wardrobe stand. Use gloves to pick up the Green Blouse also on the wardrobe stand. Examine the blouse and use Adhesive Tape on the bottom left to get some fibres, Luminol on the stain, then use the Integriswab to swab the blood stain to the right of the buttons.
Apartment Crime Scene – Connie mentions there is a gun. Click on the nightstand to search for a gun. You will find that its not there.
Hospital – Ask Connie every question. Eventually she will hand over her gun.
Lab – Go to the Comparison Microscope > Comparison A > Material From Bullet > Comparison B > Fibres from Green Blouse > Confirm Match. Go to Chemical Analysis > Luminol Reaction from Blouse > Analyze Item.
Then go to the Trace Analysis Computer > Video / Image Enhance > Evidence > USB Memory Drive.
Now go to the Evidence Assembly Table and get a bullet from Connie’s gun. Go to the Comparison Microscope > Comparison A > Bullet From Wall > Comparison B > Bullet from Connie’s Gun. Rotate A once > Confirm Match.
Brass Office – Ask Brass for an arrest warrant for Nicole Watt.
Interrogation – Ask Nicole Watt every question and eventually she will crack and Case Solved.
Shock Rock 200 G
Solved Shock Rock on any ranking.
Crime Scene : Hot Rod Casino – Ask Todd Hinkley every question. Move to the stage, then click on the band members bodies to take a photo. Click on each body for a close-up look. Pick up the Echo Pedal on the floor in front of the victims, using the gloves . Use fingerprint powder, then adhesive tape to lift a fingerprint off it. Then turn the Echo Pedal over then use the tweezers to take the loose screw.
Pick up the microphone from the floor, and again use fingerprint powder, then adhesive tape. Go to the back of the stage area between the two speakers. Use the flashlight to get the Tequila bottle, turn it and use Ninhydrin to get the fingerprint from the label, then the fingerprint powder and adhesive lifting tape to get fingetprints from the bottle neck and cap.
Find a straw using the flashlight to the right of the bottles. Use the Leuko Crystal Violet and the Integriswab to take a blood sample. Move to the area with the sparks, click on the power socket. Use the flashlight, and then the gloves to take the power cord. Go back to Todd to ask him more questions and eventually he’ll give you some video tape.
Morgue – Ask Doc Robbins every question. Click on Andrea’s arm and at Ray Brown’s arm. Ask the Doc about Boogie Feet. Click on Marty Party’s arm and feet then ask the Doc a question about Marty. Look at Steve’s chest and arm. Ask the Doc another question.
Lab – Go to the Comparison Microscope > add the power cord. Go to the Trace Analysis Computer > select Video / Image Enhance > video footage. Click the frame + button until the seventh frame, then click the enhance button.
Stiil on the Trace Analysis Computer, Go to Fingerprints > Comparison A > select fingerprint on microphone > Comparisons B > select Andrea’s fingerprints > match the top left. Then Comparison A > select print from bottle neck. Comparison B > Civil Records > search result C.
Move to the assembly table, click and remove the cover off of the Echo pedal. Click to take the red button (polarity switch) then use the Integriswab to get a sample of the residue.
Next go to the Trace Analysis Computer > Fingerprints > select Comparison A > add print from bottle cap. Then Comparison B > Civil Records > search result D. Comparison A > select print from bottle label. Comparison B > Civil Records > search result C. Then go to the Chemical Analysis > add the residue from the polarity switch > analyze item.
Luxury Suite – Ask Kathy every question. Move to the right and use the USB data stick on the laptop to get an email. Move to the table near the exit and pick up a Threatening Note.
Go upstairs to the bedroom, click on the waste can from under the table, and use the gloves to take the photos. Move to the right and take Andrea’s black shirt from the suitcase, examine it and turn it around and use the Adhesive Mount. Go downstairs and move to the left of Kathy. Move to the table near the door, use the gloves to pick up the note. Ask Kathy some new questions. A new location will be added.
Casino High Rollers Room – Ask Jill Wilde every question. She will eventually give Warrick an autograph.
Lab – Go to the Comparison Microscope. Comparison A > select threatening note. Comparison B > collected evidence > Jill’s autograph > confirm match. Next, to the Trace Analysis Computer > Special Search > deleted email from Todd > analyze item.
Brass Office – Go ask Brass for a warrant to question Todd Hinkley.
Interrogation – Ask Todd every question and you will get a new location.
Recording Studio – Ask Eddie Tillis every question. Click on the demo CD’s. Move to the right and click at the memo on the shelf. Look at the cassette on the shelf. Ask Eddie some new questions. Eddie will give you an audio CD. Examine it and use fingerprint powder on the upper left of the CD case.
Casino High Rollers Room – Ask Jill every question. Take the cup and use the Integriswab on the lipstick to get a sample of her DNA. Ask her some new questions.
Lab – Go to the DNA Database > Comparison A > select blood from straw > Comparison B > select Jill’s DNA > confirm match. Then go to Chemical Analysis > add residue from Andrea’s clothes > analyze item.
Brass Office – Ask Brass for a warrant to question Jill Wilde.
Interrogation – Ask Jill every question and you will get a residue sample from her dress.
Lab – Go to the Chemical Analysis > add the residue from Jill’s dress > analyze item. Then go to the Trace Analysis Computer > choose audio > CD > click play. Go to Fingerprints > Comparison A > Eddie’s fingerprint > Comparison B > fingerprint on Echo panel > confirm match.
Brass Office – Ask Brass for a warrant to search Eddie Tillis Recording Studio.
Recording Studio – Move into the back room behind Eddie Tillis and go to the desk on the right. Now take the letter from the drawer and then use the USB Data stick drive on the laptop. Leave the back room and go to the right, take the audio tape from the shelf. Move to the left and go into the recording studio. Click on the electric guitar to find a ground prong. Ask Eddie tillis some new questions.
Lab – Go to the Comparison Microscope > Comparison A > select ground prong. Comparison B > power cord > confirm match. Go to the Trace Analysis Computer > Special Search > files from Eddie’s laptop > analyze item. Go to Trace Analysis Computer > select the audio tape from recording studio > click play.
Brass Office – Ask Brass for a warrant to question Eddie Tillis.
Interrogation – Ask Eddie every question.
Brass Office – Ask Brass if can talk to the sound technician Todd.
Interrogation – Ask Todd every question.
Brass Office – Ask Brass if you can talk to Jill.
Interrogation – Ask Jill every question.
Brass Office – Ask Brass if can once again to talk to Eddie.
Interrogation – Ask Eddie every question and you will get a new location.
Private Jet – Move around to the coffee table, then use the gloves to pick up the fire extinguisher. Move forward to go further back into the plane and click left of the sink. Open the first cupboard and use gloves to pick up the hidden video camera and then examine it. Use gloves to get the video tape from it. Move back to the right then use Adhesive Mount on the bed. Move to the floor in front of the nightstand and use the tweezers to pick up the small screw.
Lab – Go to the Comparison Microscope > Comparison A > select the screw from the jet > Comparison B > select the screw from the echo pedal > confirm match. Next to the Trace Analysis Computer > select Video / Image Enhance > select the video tape from the hidden camera > click play. Go back to the beginning of the tape and click frame + seven times > then enhance. Go to the Chemical Analysis > add the fire extinguisher > analyze item. Then add residue from the jet > analyze item.
Brass Office – Tell Brass, that you want to to talk to Todd the sound technician.
Interrogation – Ask Todd every question.
Private Jet – Go to the TV on the right and open the drawer underneath, then use the gloves to pick up the tape.
Lab – Go to the Trace Analysis Computer > select Audio > select the audio tape from the jet > click play > Comparison B > Audio CD from the Recording Studio > confirm match.
Brass Office – Ask Brass for an arrest warrant for Kathy Cantanta.
Interrogation – Ask Kathy every question and Case Solved.
In Your Eyes 200 G
Solved In Your Eyes on any ranking.
Crime Scene : Dr. Bandereet’s House – Ask Mrs. Bandereet (Amita) every question and she will hand you some clothes. Examine them and use the Integriswab to get a swab of blood. Move behind Amita and click on the answering machine . Move around and go to the stairs then use the camera to take a photo of the foot print.
Next, head upstairs. Move slightly to the left to find a bloody fingerprint on the wall then use the Adhesive Lifting Tape. Pick up the fire poker on the floor in the hallway. Examine it and use the Leuko Crystal Violet, then the Integriswab to get a blood sample. Open your PDA > select evidence > items > fire poker. Click on the handle then use the fingerprint powder, then adhesive lifting tape to lift a fingerprint.
Move to the bedroom on the left at the end of the corridor. Go to the bedside table left of the dead body and use the gloves to pick up the broken tea cup. Use the Integriswab to take s swab of the liquid from the tea cup. Use the camera to take a photo of the blood spatter on the wall and on the ceiling. Click on the dead body and take a photo. Use the Integriswab on the dead body's forehead.
Head back downstairs and ask Amita some more questions, and she will hand over some slippers. While examing her slippers, turn them over and use the Adhesive Mount to get some residue.
Morgue – Ask Doc Robbins to recover the body then ask him every question.
Lab – Go to the assembly table and put the pieces of the teacup together and you'll find that there is a small piece missing. Next go to the Trace Analysis Computer > select Shoeprints / Tire Treads > Comparison A > select bloody foot print > Comparison B > Amita’s slippers > confirm match. Then go to DNA database > Comparison A > select blood from Amita’s clothes > Comparison B > select blood from fire poker > confirm match. Comparison A > select Dr. Bandereet’s DNA > confirm match > Comparison B > select blood from Amita’s clothes > confirm match.
Go to Chemical Analysis > add liquid from the teacup > analyze item. Add residue from the slipper > analyze item. Go to the Trace Analysis Computer > Fingerprints > Comparison A > select fingerprint from the fire poker > Comparison B > Civil Records > result A > bottom left section. Then Comparison A > add bloody fingerprint.
Morgue – Ask the Doc some new questions.
Brass Office – Ask Brass some new questions.
Dr. Bandereet’s House – Ask Amita some new questions and a new location will open.
Driveway – Move over to the big dumpster then use the gloves to pick up some red plastic bits. Move over to the tire tracks and use the casting plaster to get a copy of them. Click on the blood spots on the driveway and use the Leuko Crystal Violet, then the Integriswab to grab a swab.
Lab – Go to the assembly table and put the pieces of the red plastic together. It should look like a funny shaped United States with a massive Florida. Next go to the Trace Analysis Computer > select Shoe prints / Tire treads > Comparison A > select tire tread from the driveway > Comparison B > CSI samples > search result A. Then go to the DNA database > Comparison A > select blood from the driveway > Comparison B > Dr. Bandereet’s DNA > confirm match.
Driveway – Go to the rubbish bin and look inside and use the gloves to pick up the answering machine tape.
Lab – Go to the Trace Analysis Computer > choose Audio > Comparison A > select answering machine tape > click play.
Dr. Bandereet’s House – Ask Amita every question and a new location will be added.
Adya’s House – Ask Adya every question and soon you’ll get a phone call from Brass and he will give you new location. Move to the doorway and use the camera take a photo of the footprint.
Brass Office – Tell Brass that you want to interrogate the business partner, Dr. Diwan.
Interrogation – Ask Dr. Diwan every question.
Garage – Move to the back of the car then use the gloves to take the broken tail light.
Lab – Go to the assembly table and piece together the tail light.
Brass – Ask Brass for a search warrant for Dr. Diwan’s car.
Garage – Go to the front seat and look on the floor. Use the gloves to take the memo. Enter the back seat then use the USB data stick on the laptop to get an encrypted file. Go to the back of the car and examine the toolbox, but you can’t open the lock yet.
Lab – Go to the Trace Analysis Computer > Special Search > Evidence > select Dr. Diwan’s encrypted files > analyze item. Go to Shoeprints / Tire treads > Comparison A > select photo of muddy print > Comparison B > collected evidence > select photo of bloody footprint > confirm match.
Brass Office – Ask for a search warrant for Adya Bandereet’s home and ask about Visa.
Adya’s House – Talk to Adya and you'll get a fingerprint. Scroll to the right, use the gloves to pick up the torn fabric from under the chair. While in close-up, use the Adhesive Mount. Go to the kitchen sink, use the luminol and then the Integriswab. Click back and scroll to the left and go to the laptop, use the USB data drive.
Lab – Go to the Trace Analysis Computer > Special Search > Adya’s encrypted files > analyze item. Go to fingerprints > Comparison A > select Adya’s fingerprints. Comparison B > select bloody fingerprint > confirm match. Go to the DNA data base. Comparison A > select the blood from Adya’s sink > Comparison B > select Dr. Bandereet’s DNA > confirm match. Go to the Chemical Analysis > select residue from silk fabric > analyze item. After that a new location will be added.
Dr. Bandereet’s Pool House –Move to the pool house door. Use Leuko Crystal Violet on door handle then the Integriswab to grab a swab of blood. Move forward and then around the corner of the pool house door and use the adhesive mount on the door mat.
Lab – Go to the Chemical Analysis Computer > add residue from the pool house > analyze item. Go to the DNA database > Comparison A > select blood from the pool house door > Comparison B > select Dr. Bandereet’s DNA > confirm match.
Brass Office – Ask Brass permission to interrogate to Dr. Diwan.
Interrogation – Ask Dr. Diwan every question and eventually he will give you the key to the locked toolbox in his car.
Garage – Go to the back of the car and take the vacuum cleaner out of the box then use the gloves to take the vacuum.
Lab – Go to the assembly table. Pull all of the rubbish out of the vacuum until you find the remaining piece of the tea cup. Slot the chip to the teacup.You will need to flip it to make it flip.
Brass Office – Ask to interrogate Adya.
Interrogation – Ask Adya very question.
Dr. Bandereet’s House – Ask Amita every question.
Brass Office – Ask to interrogate to Dr. Diwan.
Interrogation – Ask Dr. Diwan every question.
Brass Office – Ask for a search warrant for Dr. Bandereet’s pool house.
Dr. Bandereet’s Pool House – Go left to the bathroom and click on the shower drain and you will find a find a silk robe. Examine it and use the Integriswab to swab the blood stain.
Lab – Go to the Comparison microscope > Comparison A > select the torn fabric. Comparison B > select the silk robe > confirm match. Go to the DNA database. Comparison A > select the blood from the robe > Comparison B > select Dr. Bandereet’s DNA > confirm match.
Brass Office – Ask Brass for a warrant to question Amita Bandereet.
Interrogation – Ask Amita every questions and she will confess to the murder. Hang on, it not that easy..
Brass Office – Grissom says Adya is now also confessing to the murder.
Interrogation – Ask Adya every question.
Dr. Bandereet’s House – Go to the bedroom and a cut scene will reveal that the killer had to be left handed.
Dr. Bandereet’s Pool House – Go to the short round table on your right then use gloves to take the crossword puzzle.
Lab – Go to the Trace Analysis Computer > Special Search > select crossword puzzle > analyze item.
Brass Office – Ask to talk to Amita.
Interrogation – Talk to Amita.
Interrogation – Talk to Adya and Case Solved.
The Peacemaker 200 G
Solved The Peacemaker on any ranking.
Crime Scene: Old West Tourist Museum – Talk to Keith Wilde and ask every question and he’ll give you his fingerprints and DNA.
Go to the victim and take a photo. Move closer to the victim and zoom in to take another photo. Click on his leg and use the Integriswab to get a swab of blood. Click on his right hand and use tweezers to get the fiber from under his fingernail. Click on the gun, use gloves to take it.
Move slightly to the right and use the gloves to take the .38 special. Look above the victim's head to find a bullet in the wall. Use the tweezers to grab the bullet. To the right of that bullet by the postcards you'll find another bullet. Take it again with the tweezers. Move to the right in front of the counter, to find a bullet in the floor. Go to the cash register, find and take another bullet.
Click on the display case at the counter. Use the gloves to take two 9mm guns on the counter to the left of the cash register, click on one at a time. On the second 9mm handle, use the fingerprint powder then the Adhesive Lifting Tape.
Open your PDA, click on the first 9mm and turn it to find a fingerprint on the barrel. Move to the right and go towards the clothes. Move to the left to find blood on the floor, use the Leuko Crystal Violet, then the Integriswab on the stain. Move to the wall near the Visa sign to find and take another bullet. Now go and click the table in the center of the museum and find a bullet in the window frame.
Mobile Lab – Use the Comparison Microscope > Comparison A > select pink fibers > Comparison B > CSI samples > result B. Comparison A > select bullet found in the wall > Comparison B > select bullet found near postcards > rotate one until the markings line up > confirm match.
Then Comparison A > select bullet found in register > Comparison B > select bullet found in floor > rotate one until the markings line up > confirm match.
Comparison A > select bullet found behind sales rack > Comparison B >select bullet found in window frame > rotate one until the markings line up > confirm match.
Now to the Trace Analysis Computer > select fingerprints > Comparison A > select Keith’s fingerprints > Comparison B > select fingerprint from second 9mm > match with the bottom left square > confirm match > Comparison B > select fingerprint from the first 9mm > match the top left square > confirm match.
DNA Database > Comparison A > select victim’s blood. Comparison B > select blood from the floor > no match. Comparison A > select Keith’s DNA > Comparison B > blood from the floor > confirm match.
Morgue – Ask the Doc to recover the body the ask him every question. He’ll give you the victim’s fingerprints and two bullets. Click on the victim’s body and look at the nipple ring.
Brass Office – Ask Brass every question. Eventually he’ll give you shell casing found in Keith’s pocket. Ask for a warrant to question Keith Wilde.
Interrogation – Ask Keith every question.
Lab – Grissom mentions a laser analysis. Go to the Assembly Table and click on all four guns to get bullets.Then go to the Comparison Microscope. To compare the bullets, just rotate one until the markings line up then click confirm match.
Bullet found in Floor > Bullet from First 9mm.
Bullet found in Cash Register > Bullet from First 9mm.
Bullet from Victim's Shoulder > Bullet from First 9mm.
Bullet found in Wall > Bullet from Second 9mm.
Bullet found Near Postcards > Bullet from Second 9mm.
Bullet from Victim's Chest > Bullet from Second 9mm.
Bullet found Behind Sales Rack > Bullet Collected from Peacemaker pistol.
Bullet found in Window Frame > Bullet Collected from Peacemaker pistol.
Finally compare the Pink Fibres > CSI Sample >B.
Old West Tourist Museum – Its time for that laser analysis that Grissom mentioned. Click on all of the bullet holes. Two in the dummy that is now set in place. Two on the wall behind the counter. One in the floor in front of the counter. One in the register. One in the window frame. One in the wall near the Visa sign in the window.
Pick up the glass pieces from the floor in front of the counter using latex gloves.
Brass Office – Ask to interrogate Keith Wilde.
Interrogation – Ask Keith every question.
Lab – Go to the Assembly Table piece together the glass pieces. There should be a visa sign on the right of the glass. You’ll get two new locations.
Recording Studio – Ask Eddie every question.
Casino – Ask Jill Wilde every question. You’ll get a new location.
Triplet’s Apartment – Ask Anthony and Billy all questions and they will give you their fingerprints. Move around and go to the coffee table. Use the fingerprint powder on the laptop case handle and the Adhesive Lifting Tape to lift some fingerprints. Move to the pool table and pick up the pink bra and a photo. Ask Anthony and Billy new questions.
Lab – Go to the Comparison Microscope > Comparison A > select the pink fibers. Comparison B > select the pink bra > confirm match. Go to the Trace Analysis Computer > Fingerprints > Comparison A > select the fingerprint from the laptop case > Comparison B > Ed’s fingerprints.
Casino – Ask Jill every question.
Brass Office – Ask every questions and ask to interrogate Kathy Cantanta.
Interrogation – Ask Kathy every question.
Brass Office – Ask for warrant to question Anthony and Billy.
Interrogation – Ask Anthony and Billy every question.
Triplet’s Apartment – Go to the coffee table and use the USB data stick on the laptop.
Lab – Go to the Trace Analysis Computer > select Special Search > ddd the encrypted file from the laptop > analyze item.
Brass Office – Ask Brass for a warrant to question Eddie Tillis.
Interrogation – Ask Eddie every question.
Brass Office – Ask Brass if you can talk to Keith.
Interrogation – Ask Keith every question.
Brass Office – Ask to talk to Anthony and Billy again.
Interrogation – Ask Anthony and Billy every question.
Old West Tourist Museum – Go to the over-turned table on the left and use the Mikrosil on the scratch on the underside of the table to get an impression.To the left of Grissom’s foot, find a metal fragment and use the tweezers to pick it up. Go to the over-turned shirt rack, look around to the bottom and use the Magnetic Brush and Powder on the fingerprint at the top right.
Lab – Go to the Trace Analysis Computer > select Fingerprints > Comparison A > select the fingerprint from shirt rack in museum > Comparison B > select Collected Evidence > Confirm match > Billy’s fingerprints.
Next go to the Comparison Microscope> Comparison A > select impression of scratch marks > Comparison B > select the metal fragment > confirm match.
Brass Office – Ask Brass for a warrant to search the triplet’s apartment.
Triplet’s Apartment – Go forward and enter the bedroom and move to the right. Go to the bed to the left of the desk and use the gloves to take the gun from the case.
Go through the door and use the flashlight to examine the jeans and take them. While examining, use the gloves to take the mobile phone from the pocket. Use the fingerprint powder an then the Adhesive Lifting Tape on the screen to get a fingerprint.
Lab – Go to the Comparison Microscope > Comparison A > select the metal fragment > Comparison B > select the pants with broken zipper > confirm match. Next go to the Trace Analysis Computer > select Video / Image Enhance > select the phone. Go to Fingerprints > Comparison A > select fingerprint found on mobile phone > Comparison B > match Anthony’s fingerprints bottom left.
Brass Office – Ask for an arrest warrant for Anthony and Billy.
Interrogation – Ask Anthony and Billy every questions.
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