This game is easy, but very, very repetitive. The aim is to liberate territories, but be prepared, the map is huge! But in saying that, the enemy is ridiculously lame and way too easy to shoot.
Do the Story Missions first, they give you weapons, vehicles and safe houses in return.
Next do the Guerilla Settlements and Rioja Settlements because they are easy to do.
Do the Races and Collect Missions last. You will have less enemies and police around. If you don't want to do the collect missions, there's a glitch I've listed above that will help you achieve all of them in one go.
Finally before you put in that disc in, a word of warning. There are numerous glitches in this game, but they are not major enough to spoil enjoyment of this game, but they can be slightly frustrating. Like flying towards the Presidential Jet in the final mission and it disappears! As far as I know, there have been no updates to fix these problems. Just save often and reload, normally fixes this issue
Mission 7 Completion 25 G
Complete Story Mission 7
The game is glitched so you won’t get this achievement straight away. You may have to complete another two Story Missions before it pops.
Mission 14 Completion 50 G
Complete Story Mission 14
This is the same as Mission 7 completion. You’ll have to complete Mission 16 before
you will get the achievement. I know, it's weird.
All Story Missions Completed 125 G
Complete All Story Missions
You have to complete all Story Missions. The last three may seem difficult only because all of a sudden the developers had a change of heart and decided to make the game challenging. Gee....thanks!
Taking Out The Garbage Vol. 1 – This can be a little tricky, but there is a way to skip a checkpoint and avoid the boss tank. Get on a boat and head to a Safe House with a Helicopter. Fly back to the Presidential Palace and you will see a flat area on the roof. Land on it and a game glitch will cut to a cut scene of the president escaping, thus avoiding the need to fight that stupid tank. Unless you want to....
Taking Out The Garbage Vol. 2 – You have to steal a jet here and hunt down some cruise missiles. All you have to do is follow the missiles and destroy them. DO NOT let your jet blow up. Otherwise you are going to be stuck with a gyrocopter or have to steal a jet or helicopter for the next mission.
Taking out the garbage Vol. 3 – You’ll have to catch up with the Presidents Jet. See, no good if you all you got is the gyrocopter ? Fly your jet to hang over the left side of his jet or right above it . Press "Y" to exit, Then you should get "Jump To Vehicle" option. Hit it QUICK, because it comes on only for a second, then disappears. If you miss it , you will have to start all over again.
Once you’re in the jet, start taking out the guards. You'll notice the guards are a little more difficult than the feeble soldiers on the ground, but still stupid. Check the cut scene. The president mentions he has seen the movie AIr Force One. Yep, he is more lame than his soldiers. Now you have to sky dive to catch el presidente. You need to whack an explosive on him. Dive down, but don’t pass him. When you get close to him, press “A” to plant the explosive.
Freedom Fighter 25 G
Liberate 11 Provinces In San Esperito
Enemy Provinces are red on the political map and need to be liberated. Each province requires a certain number of towns and / or military bases to be claimed for the province to be liberated. In front of each base or settlement, there will be a guerilla with green arrows above his head. Press "A" to start the liberation. You must destroy three road blocks and capture the flag.
Military bases (the grey marker that looks like a mountain) count for about 80% control, then one more village, and the province is yours. However some of these bases have got these awful stupid tanks that frustratingly blow you away if you get too close. But if do THREE Guerilla Side Missions, they count towards liberating one settlement and some of these missions are absurdly short and easy. Liberate ONE settlement in the province, then do three side missions until the province is liberated. If you are finding a side mission difficult, then go back to the guerilla , keep pressing "A" until you find one that you can do.
Eventually you will find some provinces with just one settlement and one military base and have to fight these tanks. The best way to deal with the tanks is to quickly jump into the tank, pull the driver out, then quickly jump out again. While you're there, shoot the driver a couple of times for me. I hated these tanks.
If you need to know how many Provinces have been liberated, just check you PDA and click onto statistics or political map.
Protector of the People 50 G
Liberate 22 Provinces In San Esperito
See Freedom Fighter achievement above.
Saviour of San Esperito 75 G
Liberate Every Province In San Esperito
See Freedom Fighter achievement above.
15 Takeover Missions Completed 25 G
Complete 15 Takeover Missions
Settlements in purple are Montano mansions. They need to be taken over and are listed as Takeover Missions on the achievement list. Once taken over they become Rioja Settlements. They do not affect territory control. These are very easy, but you have to complete each one. After taking over one, head to the roof of the mansion and use the helicopter to fly to the next one. Rinse and repeat.
30 Takeover Missions Completed 50 G
Complete 30 Takeover Missions
See 15 Takeover Missions Complete achievement.
45 Takeover Missions Completed 75 G
Complete 45 Takeover Missions
See 15 Takeover Missions Complete achievement.
Salt Refinery... Yeah Right 5 G
Complete Collect Mission 1
See All Collect Missions Completed achievement.
Back-Door Action 5 G
Complete Collect Mission 2
See All Collect Missions Completed achievement.
I Want a Super-Potent Weapon 5 G
Complete Collect Mission 3
See All Collect Missions Completed achievement.
I've Got The Blueprints, Man 5 G
Complete Collect Mission 4
See All Collect Missions Completed achievement.
I Want My Intel Back 5 G
Complete Collect Mission 5
See All Collect Missions Completed achievement.
Red Eyes 5 G
Complete Collect Mission 6
See All Collect Missions Completed achievement.
We Have Ways of Making You Talk 5 G
Complete Collect Mission 7
See All Collect Missions Completed achievement.
Rico the Beach Comber 5 G
Complete Collect Mission 8
See All Collect Missions Completed achievement.
Staying Power 5 G
Complete Collect Mission 9
See All Collect Missions Completed achievement.
The Cleavage 5 G
Complete Collect Mission 10
See All Collect Missions Completed achievement.
Slippery When Wet 5 G
Complete Collect Mission 11
See All Collect Missions Completed achievement.
New Kind of Kick 5 G
Complete Collect Mission 12
See All Collect Missions Completed achievement.
White Beaches 5 G
Complete Collect Mission 13
See All Collect Missions Completed achievement.
All Collect Missions Completed 45 G
Complete Every Collect Mission
All you have to do is collect all the blue dots on the map. These are not that hard to do, and could easily be done in hour or so with the gyrocopter. If you are however, pressed for time, or cannot be bothered, there is a glitch that lets you achieve all the collect missions. But be warned, save your game prior to attempting this !
You need to find an ambulance. There is a Rioja Side Mission where you need to get an ambulance, but I never found it. However if you go to the city where you have to break into the prison and drive around for a while, one should spawn sooner or later. They look like a pale truck with a cap and lights on top with red stripe down the side. Steal it, then drive it straight off the pier and into the water.
Your screen will turn black and blue, but all collect mission achievements will start to pop, one by one, including all All Collect Missions Completed. Eventually the game freezes and you will need to restart your console. But hey, that's 110 points out of the way.
10 Side Missions Completed 5 G
Complete 10 Side Missions
Side missions are available once you have liberated a settlement. Go see the guerilla with the green arrow above his head. He'll offer you a side mission. If you are finding some of the side missions difficult, go see the guerilla again and press "A" until he offers you a real easy one, like collecting a suitcase. Use a helicopter and it's over in two minutes.
Note that doing over 50 side missions will earn you some guerilla points and enough to eventually land you a Delta-NAH Chrimera helicopter at a Guerilla safe house. This helicopter is quite fast and makes winning Champion of Race 7 easy.
20 Side Missions Completed 10 G
Complete 20 Side Missions
See 10 Side Missions Completed achievement.
30 Side Missions Completed 15 G
Complete 30 Side Missions
See 10 Side Missions Completed achievement.
40 Side Missions Completed 20 G
Complete 40 Side Missions
See 10 Side Missions Completed achievement.
50 Side Missions Completed 25 G
Complete 50 Side Missions
See 10 Side Missions Completed achievement.
Champion Of Race 1 5 G
Complete Race 1
The races have Chequered Flags above their position. Most of the time, you can use the vehicle that they supply you, and almost do it first time. However there are two races that could potentially make you take the disc out and snap it in halve in frustration. Race 1 and Race 7. Then you will have to settle with 975 points for the game and bring back a broken disc to the rental place.
Of all the races, I found race one to be the hardest. All the other vehicles on this dirt road get in the way of you reaching the checkpoint in time. If you are good at flying the gyrocopter, use that instead. Just fly in a straight line to each checkpoint and drop down through the arrows. If not, use what I used. Find an armoured Humvee (MV) and store it in garage at the nearest safe house to the race. Then race and try bash all the other cars out of the way. If I crashed, I just reloaded my last save and started again. Or try using the dirt bike.
Champion Of Race 2 5 G
Complete Race 2
See Champion of Race 1 Achievement.
Champion Of Race 3 5 G
Complete Race 3
See Champion of Race 1 Achievement.
Champion Of Race 4 5 G
Complete Race 4
See Champion of Race 1 Achievement.
Champion Of Race 5 5 G
Complete Race 5
See Champion of Race 1 Achievement.
Champion Of Race 6 5 G
Complete Race 6
See Champion of Race 1 Achievement.
Champion Of Race 7 5 G
Complete Race 7
The plane that they supply is very irritating. I eventually did it using a Delta-NAH Chrimera Helicopter, which you earn after doing about 60 Side Missions.
Champion Of Race 8 5 G
Complete Race 8
See Champion of Race 1 Achievement.
Champion Of Race 9 5 G
Complete Race 9
See Champion of Race 1 Achievement.
All Race Missions Completed 15 G
Complete Every Race Mission above.
100 Kills 10 G
Kill 100 Enemies
These are one the first achievements you'll get. Just play through the game normally and it should pop up in no time. If your wondering how much you need, just check you PDA and click onto statistics.
250 Kills 20 G
Kill 250 Enemies
See 100 Kills achievement.
500 Kills 50 G
Kill 500 Enemies
See 100 Kills achievement.
Most Wanted 1 Min 10 G
Survive For 1 Minute With Maximum Wanted Level
What you have to do is to waste a lot of cops to get Wanted 5 Level. Shoot some cops, then let them chase you, then stop and shoot some more. Your HUD display on the right will tell you when you have reached Level 5. Once you reach Level 5, stay in an area away from vehicles and helicopters. They will kill you easily. Don't stop killing or your level will go down. Before you know it, five minutes have passed and you will have collected all three achievements.
Most Wanted 2 Mins 25 G
Survive For 2 Minutes With Maximum Wanted Level
See Most Wanted 1 Min achievement.
Most Wanted 5 Mins 50 G
Survive For 5 Minutes With Maximum Wanted Level
See Most Wanted 1 Min achievement.
20 Land Vehicle Stunts 10 G
Complete 20 Land Vehicle Stunts
Find a car then speed up. Go into stunt position then parachute off. Aim your grappler back at the car then jump back to the vehicle. You can check your PDA statistics on "Parachute to roof stunts" to see how many you need. The game can be glitchy and award you after 25 stunts.
20 Sea Vehicle Stunts 10 G
Complete 20 Sea Vehicle Stunts
Find a trawler and start speeding up. Go into stunt position then parachute off. Then use "Jump to Vehicle" option and jump back to the trawler. Do this over 20 times and you'll get the achievement.
20 Air Vehicle Stunts 10 G
Complete 20 Air Vehicle Stunts
Just get a helicopter and fly really high up. Get into "Stunt Position" then jump off, then QUICKLY press "Jump to Vehicle" option before it disappears. Rinse and repeat. If you are having trouble doing this, try car to helicopter. Fly a helicopter above a car, go into "Stunt Position" then "Jump to Vehicle" then back again. No matter how high the helicopter is, you can always jump to it.
All Stunts Completed 50 G
Complete All Stunts above.
20 Car-To-Car Stunts 5 G
Complete 20 Car-To-Car Jumps
Just park two cars side by side, go into "Stunt Position" and use "Jump to Vehicle" option. You can check your PDA statistics to see how many you need. Although once again, the game can be glitchy and award you after 25 stunts.
Base Jump 1000 Meters 5 G
Base Jump From 1000 Meters Or Higher
You have extract to Rioja 4 (Eagles Nest) and jump off a cliff behind the safe house. Remember to save at the safe house as it could take a couple of attempts. Go through the doorway in the wall and head out roughly NW. Finding the right spot can be a little tricky, but basically look for a huge valley and a long way down. Jump, then hold down your left stick towards you, all the way. (I’ve got around 1057m jumping off from here). Then deploy the parachute at the very last second before you crash into the trees. There's a video on YouTube I have posted to see where you can jump from.
Credit goes to x360GAM3Rz for the video.
Collect Mission Glitch
This glitch will unlock all the collect missions for you including All Collect Missions Completed Achievement. These achievements are worth a total of 110 points! SAVE your game before attempting this glitch.
First you need to find an ambulance. The easiest place to find one is in the city where you have to break into the prison. If you drive around for a while, one should spawn sooner or later. They look like a pale truck with a cap and a light on the top with a red stripe down the side. Steal it , then drive it straight off the pier and into the water. Your screen will turn black and blue, but all the collect mission achievements will start to pop, one by one. Eventually the game freezes, and you will need to restart your console.
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