Dead Space 2
Written by Slam Da Brakes   
Sunday, 06 February 2011 03:35
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Chapter 14 Infinite Node Glitch

This glitch will allow you to continually backtrack to a room and pick up Power Nodes, a Semi-Conductor and / or Credits. Please note that this room is randomised and you may sometimes not find two nodes.


Check the video below for the location. The section is after the anti-gravity section. Please note : You have to go back and save as in the video, but you can select  "checkpoint restart" after saving instead, which will do the same as quit and reload. You also need one Node before you start, to open the door in the first place.


Credit goes to PowerPyx for the video





Early Chapter Credit Glitch

If you can't wait to get to Chapter 14, below is a glitch that will allow you to gain credits by buying a weapon for free and then selling the ammo back to the store quite early in the game or at any store. You will need to purchase either (or both) the Supernova or Martial Law DLC.


Submitted by XxStuartxX1990


Once you get to the first store, get your free Detonator (or two if you have both packs) and shoot out and then deactivate all the mines (RB). Then sell the empty detonator (or detonators) and buy them back fully stocked and repeat. Depending on if you have only one or both guns, you can get 3 or 6 mines every time. Each mine sells for 200 credits so you do the math.

If you fill your inventory up with these you can get about 30k (15 slots from DLC x  2000 credits per stack of 10 mines). The first time you get to a bench, if you go to the next room in Chapter 2 you can open the Power Node door and get the schematic for the Power Node, and then go back and grind money to max out your stuff.  It took me about 30 minutes to get 30k credits, so if you wanted to max your stuff it would take a while, but I'm sure it would make Hardcore a lot easier.






Cheat Beast