Home 10 - 15 Hours Lego Indiana Jones Artefact Guide


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Lego Indiana Jones Artefact Guide
10 - 15 HOURS
Written by Slam Da Brakes   
Saturday, 27 September 2008 13:56

Raiders of The Lost Ark



  1. Right at the start of the level, behind a tree (Story or Free)
  2. Dig up the buried statue heads. There are three of them. The third one you will find near the first stone wall you have to open. Move to the front of the screen and you should spot a ladder. Go down the ladder to a ledge. Dig up the third head, and a chest will be revealed. (Story or Free)
  3. After making a raft and crossing the pond of crocodiles, two spiders will appear. To the left, behind long grass is the treasure chest. (Story or Free)
  4. Continue left along the ledge after finding number three, until you reach a lever. Pull it and a metal gate will rise over the waterfall. Jump into the pond, swim through the opening and go left and pull another lever. Then climb up to reach the treasure. (Story or Free)
  5. After you jump and grab the vines along with your second character to open a door, you will disable some spike traps. After you cross, there will be a lever that needs to be pulled by Indy’s whip. It has some spikes in front of it. Pull the lever and ignore the build ladder. Move around the ledge at the front of the screen to the right find another treasure chest in a alcove (Story or Free)
  6. After you have collected the Idol, and the ruin starts to crumble, head for the metal doors to the right. Use a bazooka character to blow the doors to find a treasure inside. Punch C-3PO to obtain him. (1/5) (Free Only)
  7. After leaving the chamber, you will come across a Thugee statue. Use a Thugee character to activate the statue and remove the spikes from the bottom of the ladder. Climb down and move to your left until you find a hieroglyphic puzzle. Use a character with a blue book (scholar) to unlock a bridge to lead to another treasure chest. (Free Only)
  8. While you are being chased by a rolling boulder, the treasure chest will be in the middle of the path near the end. (Story or Free) 
  9. After the cut scene, move to the far left of the boat plane, and it is behind a tree. (Story or Free)
  10. Head back to the right, to where you first spawned. Move further ahead to find a large skeleton head. The treasure chest is inside it’s mouth. You will need to shoot spears in it’s eyes to open it’s mouth. (Story or Free) 




  1. Go to the left of the bar. Use a female character to jump on the flower jump icon, to reach the ladder. Climb the ladder then  smash some boxes to reveal a lever. Pull the lever and a cut scene will show a barrel break open a room with a treasure chest. (Story or Free)
  2. To the right of the bar is a fireplace. Jump and grab the rope which will put out the fire. You can now grab the treasure chest. (Story or Free)
  3. Once you exit and go outside, you will have 5 parts of a snow mobile to dig up and build. Once you have built it, drive the snowmobile through the 5 markers. (Free Only)
  4. Just to the right of the bar, is a hut with a metal bars over the door. Blow the doors open with a bazooka character to get the treasure chest. (Free Only) 
  5. Build three snowmen to make the artefact appear. The first snowman is inside a pile of logs left of the burning bar. The second is in a cave behind the metal bars. Use a bazooka character to blow away the bars. The third is behind a box of dynamite after you repair the bridge. Light the fuse with a torch to blow up the boxes. (Free Only)
  6. After you exit the cave, there will be two blocks of ice you can smash. One will reveal a small hatch. Use a small character (Short Round) to crawl through and retrive the treasure chest. (Free Only)
  7. Jump down the third ice bridge, to a ledge and blow up the ice to reveal the treasure chest. You will also find Luke Skywalker down here. Use a bazooka to blow the ice wall and walk in. (2/5) (Free Only)
  8. After crossing the first gap in the cave, there will be a hieroglyphic puzzle next to a exit. (Free Only)
  9. Once outside, ride the lama to the orange platform. This will activate the lift. Grab the wrench then use the lift to get on the roof and jump behind the metal gates. Fix the machine to open the gates. Smash the boxes near the hut on your left to get the machine part. Pick it up and place it on the machine inside the gates to reveal another chest. (Story and Free)
  10. Before you cross the bridge, where there is a truck, look to your left. You will see a golden cup on a stand. Go back out of this area, back into a cave and grab a torch. Run back and light the cup to reveal a treasure chest. (Story or Free)




  1. In the second area, after giving a banana to a monkey, there is a chest behind some glass. Use Willie’s scream to break the glass. (Free Only)
  2. Between the market stands is a thin alleyway. Build the lego pieces to form a ladder. Climb the ladder to reach the artefact. (Story or Free)
  3. To the right of the large wooden door there is an enemy area. Use an enemy character to gain entrance Pull the lever and enemy soldiers will come out. You will need to pull it four times and a chest will come out. (Free Only)
  4. When you enter a large market area, go left to see another enemy area. Enter the area and you will find some satellite dishes. Blow up the parts to make another satellite dish for the TV and get a treasure chest. (Free Only)
  5. Go back to the market area, and to the wall next to a small staircase, you will see a small hatch. Enter with a small character, then change to Indy to use his whip on the large barrel. The barrel will drop a chest. (Free Only)
  6. Also in the Market area, look to your right. You will see some metal bars. Blow them up with a bazooka and climb the stairs. Drop the crate and build the object and push it off the roof for another chest. (Free Only)
  7. To the right of the monkey with the dynamite, you need to build a ladder. Climb the ladder. Jump to the right and you will land on the pathway. This one is a bit tricky as you don’t actually see the chest. Jump onto the ledge on your right, then walk around, behind the wall. You will hear the sound of finding a chest. (Story or Free)
  8. At the start of the rooftop area, head for the bottom of the screen. Jump down to a ledge and another chest. (Story or Free)
  9. Near the end of the rooftop area, before you drop down a hatch using a lever, swing across the rooftop on your right. You should see the artefact on top of a roof. Blow up the propeller on the  balcony below it, then rebuild it. It’s fans will be pointing upwards. Use the air blast to lift you to the roof and get that chest. (Story or Free)
  10. In the area where you have to gain access to an enemy territory, that holds a truck, left of the gate is a small hatch. Blow up the metal bars the use a small character to reach the chest at the top. Enter the enemy area to find Chewbacca. To the left of the area is a hieroglypic puzzle. Enter, then use a small character to reach him via a hatch. (3/5) (Free Only)




  1. After the cutscene, use Indy whip to pull the bridge across. Switch character then jump the gap and push both statues to reveal a torch. Build the pile of wood and use the torch to light it. Use this torch to reach the treasure in the snake pit. (Story or Free)
  2. In the next area, use a small character to go through the small hatch on your left. Use Bazooka Trooper to blow up the statues. Take the sword in the corner and go back through the hatch. Use the sword to cut the chain suspending the bridge. Cross the bridge then take the object back across and place it on the orange platform. This will open a door with a chest. (Free Only)
  3. Inside the room where you just found the last chest, to your left are some pots. Smash the pots to reveal another area. Push the block along the chequered floor and then push the green turnstile to reveal another treasure chest. (Free Only)
  4. In the area with the big yellow stairs with statues of dogs on either side, grab the key, and use it on the door. Smash the wall to find the artefact. (Story or Free)
  5. In the same area, blow up the metal dog statue left of the stairs, to reveal another chest. (Free Only) 
  6. After you find the Ark, you will be back at the beginning with the snake pit. After you jump swing and smash a wall, you will cross some gaps by some brown poles. When you come to a vine, climb down to the bottom to find another chest. (Story or Free)
  7. After the vine, climb back up and jump to a ledge. You will see some pots and spider webs blocking a door way. Smash the pots and spider webs and enter the room. You need to jump on the revolving pillar and reach the other side to grab the chest. Let me warn you. This is one of the HARDEST chests to reach in the whole game. It is infamous. Use a female character, because they can jump higher. You need to jump to the first pillar, then to the second, then quickly jump back to the first pillar on the higher rung. As soon as you land on the first higher rung, immediately jump to the second pillar, then jump to the third pillar, then to the chest. (Story or Free)
  8. After you jointly jump a vine to open a door, you will enter a room. You need to shut the three snake traps. A chest will appear in the middle of the room once you shut all three. Use a female character to grab the chest. (Story or Free )
  9. In the hallway with coffins on each side, smash the wall on the left and enter. Jump over the spikes and smash the vase. Take the key and turn the cogs to reveal some side platform. Take the hieroglyphic tile and use the ramp to get across. Place the tile in the missing spot then use a scholar to solve the puzzle and another chest. (Free Only)
  10. After you defeat the boss snake, jump to the far left wall. Climb up using the rungs and to a hole in the wall to a chest. (Story or Free)



  1. Blow up the metal bars in the top right, then use a scholar to solve the hieroglyphic puzzle to reveal the treasure chest. (Free Only)
  2. Go to the right of the area and push the mine cart into the wall. Build the small hatch, then have a small character enter it and grab the treasure chest. (Free Only)
  3. After you fixed the track, move the moveable cart halfway with a character on top. Make them jump to the gap in the wall and dig a hole and fall down to pick up a chest. (Story or Free)
  4. In the next area, head straight forward, use a bazooka to blow up the metal gas tank to reveal a chest (Free Only)
  5. After you enter an enemy area by knocking, you will see a water tower in the top left corner. There is a metal cage surrounding the treasure chest below the tank. Blow up the tent with the hot stoves and use the ladders to climb the tower. (Story or Free)
  6. In the same area, use the car to smash the gates at the top of the screen. Smash everything then build a raft. You need to keep the ducks submerged for the chest to appear. (Story or Free)
  7. In the next area with the plane, in the top right is a shooting range. Shoot all the targets with a Bazooka Trooper for another chest. (Free Only)
  8. Blow up the metal fuel tank bottom left with either Bazooka Trooper or use the plane to reveal another treasure chest (Story or Free)
  9. Smash and dig everything in this area, including inside the hut and then use the three boxes to build a old record player, near the hut up on the ledge. The chest will appear there. (Story or Free)
  10. In the last section of the level, you will be fighting on top of trucks. After around about the third vehicle you take control, the chest will appear on the back of a jeep, behind the truck. You will need to jump from the truck onto the jeep to get this artefact. This is the second HARDEST treasure chest because it appears very quickly and if you miss it, you will have to restart the entire level. My suggestion is to use a female character. Also stick on the Artefact Detector Cheat, as it will give you a green arrow when the artefact is near, so it will give a little time to prepare to jump.  (Story or Free)





  1. You will start the level with Indy in an enemy uniform, so move to your right and you will see an enemy area. Enter the area, then smash the boxes to build a motor for the boat and grab that artefact (Story or Free)
  2. To the right of the submarine is an artefact submerged in water. You will need to press “B” to dive to get it. (Story or Free)
  3. After Indy uses a whip to bring down the ladders, use a short character to crawl to the next artefact. (Free Only)
  4. Look to the left on top of the submarine, and you will see two hatches. Use a Bazooka to blow them off, then have both characters stand on the pressure plates. (Free Only)
  5. In the next area, you will need to get on top of a roof. You will need to step on plates to make the number four to get to the bazooka room. Make a number seven and to open another room with the treasure chest. (Story or Free)
  6. Dig bottom right of the horse stockade, to find another treasure chest. (Free Only)
  7. To the right is an enemy area. Enter it and destroy the pink cake to reveal a chest. (Free Only)
  8. In the next area with the boss, immediately to your left is a dig. Dig up the parts and then build a cart and push it upwards. (Free Only)
  9. When fighting the boss, there’s a cave towards the back. Smash the boxes then do some digging (Free Only)
  10. Right of the cave is a hieroglyphic puzzle. Use a scholar to solve it and reveal another treasure chest. (Free Only)

Temple of Doom





  1. Smash the three shinning tables with the big metal disc or bazooka. (Story or Free)
  2. Smash the drumkit in the top left corner, then push the blue bass drum below the chest. Use Willie to jump to it. (Story or Free)
  3. Once outside, destroy the bins on the far right, then use a small character to go through the hatch. Use a scholar to solve the hieroglyphic puzzle that lets you carry the other character to get the chest. (Free Only)
  4. To the far left, up top, is a Thugee statue. Use a Thugee character to activate the statue. It will release a balloon, to carry you to the chest. (Free Only)
  5. Under the statue further left, is a flower bed. Destroy the flowers then dig up an anvil. Blow the metal bars next to the flower bed and place the anvil on the pressure pad, to reveal a treasure chest. (Free Only)
  6. Smash the boxes in front of the car to reveal a small hatch. Get a small character to crawl through and jump to get the engine piece. Ignore the engine piece for a while, just smash the boxes next to it  to build a door. Smash the door to reveal a chest. (Story or Free) 
  7. Above the wooden gate where you drive the car, is a chest. Best to use a female character to spring board to reach it. (Story or Free)
  8. Once you reach the airport, use a forklift to lift a character to reach the chest in front of the hangar (Story or Free)
  9. Use Willie to jump and push the crate off the ledge, then build a small hatch. Use a small character to crawl through and get the treasure chest. (Story or Free)
  10. Go far left and use a bazooka to blow up a metal crate, to reveal a sword. Use the sword to cut the red cable of the big doors. The chest is inside this new area (Free Only)



  1. As soon as you start, look to your lower left. (Story or Free)
  2. Make the raft, then paddle to left of the screen and dig up another chest . (Story or Free)
  3. Once you have raised the second gate, kill the snakes then use Indy to whip swing across on your left, then dig up the treasure chest. (Story or Free)
  4. Once you enter the palace, it is behind a pot plant. There is a Thugee statue on the left of the room. (Story or Free)
  5. In the room where Willie has to scream to break the glass to get a blue book, it is in the Wardrobe. (Story or Free)
  6. In the next room where you have to push a bed, push the bed to the right then jump to the platform. Use a Willie to reach it. (Story or Free)
  7. Once you enter the cave, the chest will be on your right of the vine you use to jump. (Story or Free)
  8. After the vine swing, enter a new area and go left. Use a female to reach it. (Story or Free)
  9. Swing across the spider pit with Indy, open the gate, then smash the skeleton and a treasure chest appears. (Story or Free)
  10. After opening the door with pressure plates, smash all items to find the last chest. (Story or Free)




  1. At the start, use a female to jump and reach it on the right of the screen. (Free Only)
  2. Move to the front of the screen, and climb down the ladder to the lava. Jump on the floating rocks (quickly) to reach the artefact. (Story or Free)
  3. Go back to where you started the level and use Indy to swing across  Use a Thugee character or steal a hat to activate the statue and another chest. (Story or Free)
  4. Dig up the three skulls. First one is where you started, the second down near the lava pool and the third is after the revolving pillars. (Story or Free)
  5. After jumping across rock pillars over a waterfall of lava, you will see a chest behind metal bars. Use Bazooka Trooper to blow them up to gain access to the chest. (Free Only)
  6. The next on is on top of the revolving pillar. This can be annoyingly hard to get. Use a female character and time your jumps. (Story or Free)
  7. After the cut scene, smash everything to the left of the screen, then climb the ladder. The walkway collapses and another artefact is revealed. (Story or Free)
  8. Near the last chest, use Bazooka Trooper to blow up the metal bars and pull the lever and climb to reach the artefact. (Free Only)
  9. On top of the big skull in the center of this room. You will need to climb up to get it. (Story or Free)
  10. Go to the bottom left of the screen. Use a character with a wrench to fix the engine and a platform moves to reveal an artefact. (Free Only)



  1. After you rope swing across the lava, there is a small hatch. Use a small character to crawl through and grab the artefact. (Free Only)
  2. Use a Thugee character or steal a hat to activate the Thugee statue on your right to get the next chest. (Story or Free)
  3. In the next area, use Indy whip to pull down the blocks, build the  rungs then climb to get he artefact. (Story or Free)
  4. After you have freed the little slave, walk through, fall down the first gap onto the wooden planks and grab the artefact. (Story or Free)
  5. Once another slave has opened a door for you, go through the door and smash some boxes to reveal a gray button with an orange circle. Place the button onto the green pressure pad and step on it. It will activate a lift to reach the artefact. (Story or Free)
  6. In the next area there is big cage with about five slaves. Next to the cage is a Thugee statue. Activate the statue using a Thugee character to reveal a treasure chest. (Free Only)
  7. After you free the slaves, go across the top ledge and you will come across a small hatch. Enter it to grab the chest. After that  to unlock Princess Leia, go towards the front of the screen and run right and jump down to the ledge below. Go far right until you see a metal barricade. Blow it up then enter the enemy area to find her. (4/5) (Free Only)
  8. Fix the engine by grabbing a blue cog from the slave cage, and a chest will appear. (Story or Free)
  9. In the next area, dig up three white skulls while fighting the boss. (Story or Free) 
  10. Once you free Short Round by throwing dynamite at the prison, use him to go through the hatch, punch the Maharajah and use the grab bars to go up to the left, where there is a chest. (Story or Free) 




  1. Go to the front of the screen and move to the right. Use the ladder to find a chest (Story or Free)
  2. Use Willie to jump on the dynamite box then into the alcove on your right. Jump and grab the rungs above then jump to reach the chest (Story or Free)
  3. Use Willie again to jump up into the alcove to grab another treasure chest. (Story or Free)
  4. To the left of the area is a lift. Hidden behind is a small hatch. Use a small character to crawl through and a Thugee character to activate the Thugee statue to reveal another chest. (Free Only) FIRST MINE TRACK AREA : The next three chests have to be collected while in the mine carts. Do not hit the track switches until you have collected all three artifacts in this area.
  5. Hit three overhang targets above the tracks and a chest will be awarded. (Story or Free)
  6. Destroy three mine carts of enemies and you will be awarded with a chest (Story or Free)
  7. Look to the left of the track to find the only real visible treasure chest floating on the track. You will have to be in the left cart and lean over. Once you have collected this chest, hit the track switches. (Story or Free) SECOND MINE TRACK AREA : The next three chests have to be collected while in the mine carts. Do not hit the track switches until you have collected all three artifacts in this area.
  8. Same as the first mine track area, hit the three overhang targets for a chest to be awarded. (Story or Free)
  9. Hit three enemy mine carts (Story or Free)
  10. Same as first mine track area and lean over to your left to pick up the treasure chest. (Story or Free) 



  1. Select Bazooka Trooper character before you start. You have to be quick to get this one. As soon as the level starts, turn around and bazooka the metal bars on your right and grab the artefact. (Free Only)
  2. Another slightly tricky one. Keep left of the cave while being chased by the water. It is after a bridge. Try not to die before you reach the bridge, otherwise it will skip to the next area. (Story or Free)
  3. Once you are outside, switch your character to the left side of the waterfall. Jump to the vine and climb up. Use a small character to go through the hatch and dig up the chest (Free Only)
  4. Switch back to Indy, and jump down to the ledge below to pick up another chest. (Story or Free)
  5. In the next area, solve the hieroglyphic puzzle to raise platforms to reach the treasure chest. (Free Only)
  6. In one of the pits covered by weeds is a chest. (Story or Free)
  7. Move forward ahead until you see a (disco light) dig near a tree. Dig up a blue vase and place it on the yellow pressure plate. Smash the flowers for another chest. (Story or Free)
  8. This chest is behind a large rock, near the tree where dug up the blue vase (Story or Free)  
  9. After you have opened the door using three statues, move to the front of the screen by jumping on the rocks. I think you jump six rocks. It is right at the end. (Story or Free)
  10. After you repair a bridge by smashing some boulders, move to the left. Walk around this small enclosure and flowers start to pop up. Make them all appear at once to form a face and a chest will appear. (Story or Free)


The Last Crusade




  1. As soon as you start, use Willie to jump up to the balcony, scream to break the glass. (Free Only)
  2. Swing across the canal, smash the store counter in the alcove and build a small hatch. Use a small character to find the chest in the glass bridge that is behind a switch up there. (Free Only)
  3. Blow up all the metal manholes around the area and traffic cones will drop down around. Blow up the glass door to the scooter garage and then drive  the scooters around the cones on both sides of the canal. (Free Only)
  4. Once in the library, destroy the flower boxes next to the statue on the left side of the room. Build the chequered floor and slide the statue across. Two silver swords appear on the floor above. Use Indys whip to pull and reveal a push lever that opens a spiral staircase. Use the swords to cut open the gate on the left side of room where you picked up the swords, to reach the chest. (Story or Free)
  5. On the second floor right side, use Bazooka guy to blow up the three panels, which reveal Roman numerals 3, 5 and 7. Build the slide shelf ladder and enter the enemy area. Blow up the computers and then build the plates to go onto the blocks. You need to jump on them to make the sequence 3, 5 and 7. (Free Only)
  6. After breaking through the floor, there is a chest behind some bars on your left. You need to get five skeletons to open the bars. The first one is front of the chest. The second one is when you pull a panel out,  right side of the tunnel. The third is when you activate the Thugee statue. The fourth is after you jump the rats, destroy the wooden gate on your right. The fifth one is under water in the next area. You need to dive and push all three gray plates. Press “B” to dive. (Free Only)
  7. You have to be quick with this one. In the same area, use a female character to jump the rope. Quickly switch the other character to a small character and crawl through the hatch. Then dig at the end to fall through to land on a pressure plate. (Free Only)
  8. Follow carefully this one. In the room where you find Sir Richards coffin, use a female character to step on the whip platform ABOVE the first whip platform on your left. (DO NOT USE a whip on the first platform YET, otherwise you can’t get the treasure!) Change to Indy, then swing across. (Free Only) 
  9. In the area with boats, knock down all the 10 buoys (Story or Free)
  10. Drive your boat to the far right of the map, and then jump out. Have one character in the crane and  lift the other character onto the higher platform. Use boxes to get top of the building then smash your way down. (Free Only)







  1. Destroy all four knight statues with red shields. The first one is in the first room. The second one is in the hallway. The third at the end of the hallway to your left. The fourth one is in the room after you activate the Thugee statue. (Free Only)
  2. In the room that opened with the Thugee statue, destroy the boxes top of the screen. Then build a small hatch to reach the chest. (Free Only)
  3. Back to the second room, slide the table to your left and use a female character to jump to reach the treasure chest. (Story or Free)
  4. Once outside, use a bazooka to blow up shiny metal box next to the crane (Story or Free)
  5. After you end up back inside with the room on fire, use a scholar to open the hieroglyphic puzzle. Grab one of the weapons and a chest appears. (Story or Free)
  6. In the same room, you will eventually reach a colorful table. To the left, slightly hidden is a small hatch. Destroy the books in front of it and use a small character to reach the chest. (Free Only)
  7. Once you reach the rooftop area,  kill the boss, then take the key and sound the sirens. Pick up an enemy hat and go to the enemy area top far left of the screen. Enter the area and jump over far left to get the chest. (Story or Free)
  8. Use a bazooka to blow the lock off the ladders at the scaffolding. (Story or Free)
  9. After you knock down the radio tower and run across, climb the rope on the ledge and knock off the bat looking statue off the edge to reveal another chest. (Story or Free)
  10. Once inside again, bazooka the metal cabinet and pick up the tile. Place it on the hieroglyphic puzzle the solve it with a scholar to reveal another chest. (Story or Free)




  1. Blow up the metal gate with a bazooka trooper and enter the room. Smash the glass cabinet and use the tiles to build a sliding floor. Pull the cart across to reveal a chest. (Free Only)
  2. Go back to original area. Use bazooka trooper to blow up the anchor holding the boats. Drive the boat to the far right then switch to a female character to jump to an enclosed area, and jump to reach the artefact. (Free Only)
  3. While driving outside, you will have to run over three bushes. The first one is just before your first jump, next to a flagpole. The second one is in between two of the areas where rocks roll down., just before the checkpoint. The last one is right after your second jump. (Story or Free)
  4. After your second jump, at the bottom of the hill, it is behind some metal bars. Just blow up the bars to find another chest. (Free Only)
  5. Not long after the last chest, further on is a barn with one door open. The chest is inside the barn. (Story or Free)
  6. Once you enter the second enemy area, it is hidden behind the first building you see, in the bushes. (Story or Free)
  7. In the middle of the enemy area is a well. Turn the key for a chest to appear. (Story or Free)
  8. Go back to the first building, dig up the trampoline at the front. Bounce up to the ledge up top and enter through the window (I found the female easier to jump with). Inside the building is a tractor. Fix it and drive it outside over the three fields to make three carrots to appear and an artefact over the bridge. (Free Only)
  9. In the last area, after you cross the bridge and some mines, there will guard posts firing rockets at you. The chest is is inside the one to the right of the screen. Blow it up and go inside to get it. (Story or Free)
  10. Around this area, are two metal manholes. Blow them up then build the flowers to reveal the final artefact. (Story or Free)



  1. At the start, use Willie to jump to the platform on your right and scream to break the glass. (Free Only)
  2. In the second area, build a fan to float you up into the area on your left. Blow up the metal wheelbarrow to get a key. Smash the clock, then rebuild it. Turn the key until the time is 12.45 and the chest is yours. (Free Only)
  3. When bombs start dropping down, you will soon see a shed with a handle. Use Indy’s whip on the water tower to pull down a handle and take it to the door and fix it (Story or Free)
  4. When you leave the area and bombs start falling a second time, smash the block to reveal a small hatch. Use a small character to crawl through and get the chest. (Free Only)
  5. Further along, at the top left of your screen, is a hieroglyphic puzzle. Solving the puzzle will make a rung appear, then grab it and jump to the treasure chest. (Story or Free)
  6. Down the hill from the puzzle, opposite the broken car you need to fix, is a farm. Pull the cart next to the garage all the way to the right. Fill the cart with sand and then push it back left , then jump using the filled cart to reach the top and pull the lever. (Story or Free)
  7. As you go down the winding road, at the end is a rock platform with a ladder. Climb the ladder and climb across using the rungs, until you reach the top and a treasure chest. (Story or Free)
  8. Once you get to the beach area, you will need to dig up three sand castles. The first two are near while the third is left near the rocks.  (Story or Free)
  9. Behind the sand castle to the far right is a rock. Behind the rock is a treasure chest (Story or Free)
  10. Go far left of the screen (over the rocks) until you see stepping stones in the sea leading to rock island. Climb to the top of the island to reach the artefact. (Story or Free)




  1. Hop onto the horse at the very right of the screen and ride the horse to the very left. Jump off (buck) the horse so you land onto the second mountain ledge (if you miss the horse runs away back to the start) and climb up and  grab the chest. To unlock R2 D2 walk around to your left. Use Indy’s whip to pull down him down.(5/5) (Story or Free)
  2. Look around about right and spot a hieroglyphic puzzle high on a ledge. Smash the two grey barrels below the ledge to build a ladder. Enter the cave and bazooka the metal blockade then activate the Thugee statue. Build the sliding path and push the statue. Dig up the chest below the statue. (Free Only)
  3. Back outside, destroy the rear broken truck and a chest will appear on the back of it. (Story or Free)
  4. Enter the cave from the bottom entrance and place the lion head on the statue for another chest. (Story or Free)
  5. While in the cave blow up the metal crates, then dig up a key. Dig up the parts for the lift and then build it. Lift up to the next ledge and walk around until you reach a cog lever. Place the key and then use Indy whip swing to the other side. Smash the blockade for another chest. (Free Only)
  6. Back outside, there are three metal posts to destroy. One is next to a truck on the left of the screen. For the second one, smash the barrel  just outside the cave entrance then build the post. The third is on the path left to the screen. You have to dig for this one. Once all are destroyed, a chest appears. (Story or Free)
  7. In the next area, after destroying the tank with mines, go to the ledge on the left and blow up everything. Build the oil well, then jump to reach treasure chest. (Story or Free)
  8. On the other side is a rail track. Dig up the parts and build the mine cart. Push the mine cart and watch it smash into the mine entrance and another treasure chest. (Story or Free)
  9. As you enter the next area, there is a small hatch hidden behind some barrels for an easy chest (Free Only)
  10. In the same area, blow up the metal crate on the left to reveal a key. Grab the the key then jump on a horse to buck you up onto the high ledge. Use the key to raise the platform. Then follow  around to reach an easy chest (Story or Free)




  1. After defeating all enemies, hop onto a horse in the paddock. Get the horse to buck you up onto the ledge above. Grab the key then jump back down and open up the horse paddock. Ride the horse to the front of your screen and spot a treasure chest on a ledge. Use the horse to throw you up. (Story or Free)
  2. At entering the temple, move right of the screen until you another room. Activate the Thugee statue then build the picture of a chest. Bazooka the picture for another chest. (Free Only)
  3. After passing the first set of deadly blades and spikes, there will be a small hatch. Use a small character to pull the lever to open a stone door. Then have both characters step on the platform to lift the cage. (Free Only)
  4. After crossing your first wooden bridge, ahead there is chest protected by deadly blades. You will definitely die doing this. (Story or Free)
  5. At the far end of this room is a chest behind a cage door. Throw a sword (I used a knight) to the cable above to open the door. (Free Only)
  6. In the next area, use a small person to crawl through the small hatch.Turn the key to lift up the stone ledges to get the artefact. (Free Only)
  7. After crossing the bridge that required two characters, you will see a broken machine. Fix it and the rungs above start to move. You will need to time it right then jump to a ledge for a chest (Free Only)
  8. At the beginning of the invisible bridge room, there is a cave with metal bars that look like teeth. Blow them up for another chest. (Free Only)
  9. After the first invisible bridge, use Indy’s whip to pull the hook above. A rock will break a hole in the floor. Jump in and grab the chest. (Story or Free)
  10. After the very last invisible bridge, there is a hieroglyphic puzzle to your left. Solve the puzzle and a chest will appear. (Story or Free)


Last Updated ( Sunday, 28 September 2008 02:27 )


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