Home Arcade Games A Kingdom For Keflings
A Kingdom For Keflings
Written by Dylanroxsox   
Saturday, 20 December 2008 22:08



This arcade game is very easy to get achievements for and you can obtain ALL of them with a lot of ease. This game might seem kiddie at first but I soon got addicted.


If I Had A Hammer - 5G

(Build A Lumber mill)

Easy, just play through the game. It should be one of the first achievements you receive.


Siegfried or Roy - 5G

(Train A Kefling)

Incredibly easy go up to a kefling and press A to pick it up then press Y to take of its hat and then press A when you are next to the resource that you want the kefling to harvest.


Big Bully- 15G

(Become The Big Bully Of The Village)

All you have to do is kick keflings 30 times. Personally I did this at the beginning of the game when you start with the first four kefling. I just kept kicking them with X.


Frank Lloyd- 25G

(Unlock 25 Blue Prints)-(Single Player)

Just play through the game to get this. I unlocked it a little over half way in. Tip - you don’t have to build the blueprints but merely have to unlock them.


Like Rabbits- 15G

(Reach A Total Kefling Population Of 30)-(Single Player)

This is pretty easy to unlock while playing through the game. To get keflings you will need to build houses and provide them with love. To get love you can go to the lord/ mayor/ king to receive love quests. There are also a few pieces scattered throughout the world under resources, so if you cant do the challenges then get your kefling to mine the rocks, trees and crystals.


Think Big- 10G

(Build A Building Made Of More Than 8 Pieces)- (Single Player)

You will get this very quickly while playing through the game.


Master Builder- 25G

(Built a Cathedral)-(Single Player)

This one will come after the halfway mark of the game. You can build the cathedral after you build the Dye Mixer Upgrade, and the Manor.


King- 40G

(Finish A Complete Castle With Three Connected Parts)-(Single Player)

The Castle is the last square on the blueprint map. Just build this and build three of the four add-ons. Then make sure to connect these with Castle Walls. I did this in less than four hours.


Vanity- 20G

(Built A Glorious Statue Of Ones Self)-(Single Player)

Once you have built the sculptor you can get this achievement. When you go into the sculptor’s menu you can see four different Busts Of…  Just pick one and make it four times. Then arrange the statues in a square and the achievement will unlock. The Busts have to be of the same person however it doesn’t matter whom as long as all four are the same.


Harberdasher- 20G

(Encounter Every Possible Kefling Hat)-(Single Player)

This achievement you will most likely get from playing through the game. If you are missing one you can see which hat by going to the town square and opening up the stats menu there. To get this you must train somebody to do every type of job, Harvest- wool, wood, rock, crystals, someone who carries things, primary school student, secondary school student, guild hall kefling, Mayor, Lord, King.

I got this playing through the game so I wouldn’t be too worried.


Friend- 10G

(Collect 10 Unique Player Banners From Other Giants During Xbox Live Play)

This is not as hard as it seems. I did this in about 40 mins online. I just hosted a game and made the town hall and town workshop. Then made a banner of myself from the town workshop and put it directly in the middle of the world near the town center. I then saved the game and just waited for others to join, most people will make a banner and then leave after realizing that you are not moving. TIP- Save your gave after every new banner is made. This is because when I was trying for this achievement some people came into my game and after seeing that I wasn’t doing anything, destroyed everything I had built. If this happens just reload your game.


World Traveler-10G

(Play In An Online Game Where 20 Different Player Banners Appear)

With my logic I got this achievement the first game I joined. I went to custom match online and looked at the list of games I joined one that said King and while the loading screen was on I got the achievement. If you are having problems with this there are many people who have collected the banners and go on to help others. Just look online for these players. However, it shouldn’t really be a problem because many people who are kings have the 20 banners. 

Last Updated ( Friday, 26 December 2008 11:30 )


Multiplayer Achievements?



