Home 5 - 10 Hours Spiderman ; Friend or Foe Collectible Guide


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Spiderman ; Friend or Foe Collectible Guide
5 - 10 HOURS
Written by Slam Da Brakes   
Friday, 26 September 2008 11:22

Here is a collectible guide for Spiderman: Friend or Foe. You will need to collect ALL DNA Helix and Keystones, and enter each Keystone Room and defeat ALL enemies in the Keystone Room  for level completion to count.


Industrial Plant



  1. The first time you stand on a pressure switch with your side-kick, it will release two platforms. One of them has the DNA Helix.
  2. After Fury describes how to switch characters, defeat some enemies then a ramp will appear leading to another DNA Helix.
  3. When you reach an area with a hole in the center of the platform, on the right of the platform will be a console. Standing on the switches will raise a platform through the center of the hole with a DNA Helix.
  4. After you defeat a Giant Phantom, Spiderman will mention something about a lab. Two doors will open revealing a DNA Helix floating in the middle of two doors.




  1. In the area with the floating DNA Helix, instead of going up the ramps through the doors. Look to your left at the bottom of your ramps. The Keystone is outside the Keystone Room.


Secret Lab



  1. In the center of the first room you enter.
  2. After picking up the first DNA Helix, in the next room where you fight some enemies, it is left of the door you enter. It is inside a square metal crate that needs to be destroyed.
  3. In the next room, on top of a cylinder in the center. It is the room before you fight Doc Oc boss fight.





  1. After defeating the first few enemies, scroll right to left until you see the DNA Helix on top of a rooftop. You will need to move up a ramp and jump to reach it.




  1. The Keystone is at the bottom of the ramp after you fight your first enemies. After the computer scans ”unknown device” you will need  jump to a roof. Then jump onto a metal box to reach the roof above. To the left is the Keystone Room.




  1. Just before you reach the Phantom Transporter, it is on a ledge.
  2. After destroying the Phantom Transporter, in the next area, the DNA Helix is on a roof. You will need to step on the pressure switches to activate a bridge to reach it.
  3. While jumping around on the rooftops, you will eventually see some helium balloon characters in the background. After passing them, scroll to the left of the screen to find another DNA Helix. It is on the rooftop where the Phantom flying things are.


Oscorp Japan



  1. After defeating the Giant Phantom and Spiderman mentions the Goblin, you will come across a round platform with lights. The DNA is at the center of the platform. 
  2. In the next room, after the first Helix, there is a walkway with windows. Look to your left and there should be some metal boxes. Move toward the boxes and and the DNA Helix is hidden around a corner . It is just before the boss fight.







  1. After defeating the first set of enemies, move through the small opening in the rock to reveal another DNA Helix. 
  2. Defeat the Giant Phantom, then cross a broken bridge. It is above the bridge on a ledge.
  3. You will eventually defeat some Phantoms that will raise a stone pillar. Jump on the pillar to reach the higher ground then cross the bridge to see some grassy rocky area.  Jump on the rocks to reach the DNA Helix.




  1. After you have found the last DNA Helix, you will eventually encounter some Phantoms after crossing a bridge. The Phantoms are above you on some rocky ledges. Defeat the Phantoms then jump to the ledge. Move to the right and you will find some beach with the Keystone. Progress through the level even further and the Keystone Room is on a ledge.


Sea Caves



  1. Once you cross two bridges that you need to step on pressure switches, jump to the ledge and step on the rocks to reach the DNA Helix. 
  2. After you fight the Giant Phantom, move to the next area. There will be a door with two pressure switches. Inside the room is the DNA Helix.


The Cliffs



  1. Once you defeat the first enemies, step on one of the two pressure switches in the background. This will activate a bridge to reach the DNA Helix.
  2. After you have defeated a Giant Phantom, you will eventually follow a walkway and encounter some more Phantoms. When you have defeated them a door will open. Before entering the door, look to the left of the door. There is a stone statue with a DNA Helix inside.




  1. After you obtained the second Helix, you walk down a ramp and jump onto a platform. Step on the two pressure switches will raise a rock platform to reach the Keystone. Go back to the ledge and cross the bridge. The Keystone Room is protected by several Phantoms. Defeat them then enter the room.




  1. After the Keystone Room, jump up onto the stone statue at the rear to access a higher ledge. Move pass the closed door with pressure switches and jump over a gap to reach a passage to the DNA Helix.
  2. When you see the Phantom Transporter in the distance, jump left to find the DNA Helix. 


Ancient Ruins



  1. After you defeat some Phantoms that opens a door, you will reach a grassy area with more enemies. Next to the bridge leading to another grassy area is lower ledge with two pressure switches that leads to the DNA Helix.
  2. After the first Helix, when you return to the bridge and push some more pressure switches, the bridge that is formed leads to more enemies guarding another bridge. Before crossing that next bridge look to the left side of the cliff. There will be another pressure switch that will raise a platform to reach the next DNA Helix.




Sun Drenched City



  1. After you defeat a large Phantom that throws explosives, next to the closed gate is a box. Destroy the box as it contains a DNA Helix.




  1. After you obtain the first DNA Helix, the next area has a Keystone Room. However the Keystone to open the room is near the end of the level. You will have to back track to here after you obtain the key.




  1. Once you have defeated some enemies on a long bridge, you will press a pressure switch to raise another bridge. The DNA helix is on the middle of the bridge.
  2. At the end of the level, when you have destroyed a Phantom Transporter, you will fight some more enemies. Look to the back left corner. It is kind of hidden. Press the pressure switch to release a wooden platform to a roof and a DNA Helix. 




  1. After you obtain the last DNA Helix, look for a secret passage on the same rooftop. Once you have obtained the Keystone, you will have to backtrack to the beginning of the level to open the Keystone Room.


The Oasis



  1. After you defeat some large Phantoms, step on the pressure switches near the bridge to open a door that leads to a DNA Helix.




  1. After you obtain the first DNA Helix, you will cross a bridge that leads you to encounter some more enemies, and another pressure switch for another bridge. Jump to the next area and cross the bridge. On the other side are pressure switches that opens a door to the Keystone.
  2. Once you reach an area where a bridge will move away and Phantoms appear. Defeat them to activate the pressure switch and  reform the bridge. Cross the bridge and move forward to find the Keystone room.




  1. After you have finished with the Keystone Room and passed it, there will be an easy to see room with two pressure switches in front of it. Inside is the final DNA Helix for this level.


Unearthed Catacombs



  1. In the first room after defeating some enemies, there are some pressure switches that opens a room with a DNA Helix. 




  1. When you enter a room with a ramp and encounter some flying things, you should notice a door with two pressure switches on  either side on the wall. You need to punch or web shoot EACH of them to open the door. The switches have an eye design on them. This room contains the Keystone.
  2. After you grab the Keystone, head out and jump below and enter the next room. Fight the enemies and at the bottom of the ramp is the Keystone Room.




  1. After the Keystone Room, at the bottom of the next ramp is a another room with two pressure switches on the wall. Inside is another DNA Helix.
  2. Near the end of the level, you will see a Helix at the end of a hall. Except a Giant Phantom will appear. Push him out of the way and get to the DNA Helix.


Excavation Site



  1. After you defeat the first few enemies, you will raise a platform. Cross over the platform and on the other side is a door with two pressure switches. The DNA Helix is inside.
  2. After you destroy two Giant Phantoms and some more enemies, there are two pressure switches at the back of the area. The room leads to the DNA Helix.




Old World Village



  1. After you defeat some large Phantoms, move towards the well. Then move to the front of the screen. The Keystone is on a ledge below.
  2. Enter the next area, but before you cross the bridge, look to the back. You should see a pressure switch that will release a platform giving access to the Keystone Room.




  1. After the Keystone Room, cross the bridge and defeat some Phantoms. Move to the door and get the DNA Helix behind the crate to the left.
  2. Through the door are some more Phantoms. There is a DNA Helix  before you exit this area in a small crack in the ground.
  3. While you are climbing rocks that look like stairs, look to the right. You should see a door with two pressure switches to step on and open a door to the DNA Helix.


The Manor House



  1. When you first enter the Manor house, it is in the first side room. It has two pressure switches to open a door to the DNA Helix.




  1. The next hall after the DNA Helix, has another door to be opened  to the right with the Keystone in it.
  2. After you have cleared the Dinning Room of enemies, go up the stairs. Look to your right to find a well hidden hall leading to the Keystone Room.




  1. Continue up the stairs and you will see the DNA Helix in a room, that gets closed off. Defeat the enemies and you can pick it up by activating the pressure switches. 


Graveyard Path



  1. Once you destroy the Phantom Transporter, use the gate at the back. Take out the few enemies then cross the bridge and look left. There is a gap and the Keystone is inside. 




  1. After you have got the Keystone, return and defeat the Phantoms that appear. Jump to a small ledge in the back, left of the gate. There is a DNA Helix at the top.




  1. After the DNA Helix, exit through the new gate. Defeat some more Phantoms in the area with a pool of water. Through the next gate is the Keystone Room. 




  1. Left of the Keystone Room is a stone block with a DNA Helix. Destroy the stone block to pick it up.
  2. After crossing a bridge you will see two large stone monuments. The DNA Helix is in the one on the right. Smash it to pick it up.


Ancient Church



  1. After the second room, go up the stairs and look to your left. There should be a door. Step on the pressure switches to open a door to the DNA Helix.
  2. After you climb the first spiral staircase, there will be a hall that has two pressure switches on the floor. Step on them to gain access to a balcony with a DNA Helix. 




Lower Village



  1. Cross the second bridge of the level to get the Keystone. Then cross back again to enter the Keystone Room.




  1. After the Keystone Room, cross the bridge again. Move toward the bottom of the screen, to find the DNA Helix on a grassy ledge.
  2. After defeating two large Phantoms guarding a small door which will open, jump up on the ledges nearby to find another door with two pressure switches. Step on them to open the door to find a DNA Helix.
  3. After you defeat the Giant Phantom, a gate will open. On the other side of the gate you will see a door close with a DNA Helix in it. Waste the two large Phantoms to open the door.


Dark Caverns



  1. After you fight some enemies across a broken path and some ledges, a door will open. Some bats will fly out through the door. The Keystone is left of the steps of the door.
  2. After you have destroyed a Giant Phantom, look right in the next room. There will be a gold statue which is the Keystone Room.




  1. Look left of the the exit of the room, with the entrance to the Keystone Room.
  2. Near the end of the level, a cut scene occurs in the last room. Just beside a door is the last DNA Helix for this level.


Upper Village



  1. After a a battle, a cut scene reveals an opened gate and a Keystone on a rooftop. Jump to the ledge of the last building and climb to the roof. Swing over to the the other side to grab the Keystone, then jump over into the cavern.
  2. After you defeat three large Phantoms, go up the stairs. At the top is a Keystone Room.




  1. After you destroy a Phantom Transporter, move forward towards the screen to find a cliff edge. Jump down to pick a DNA Helix.
  2. In the area with the Phantom Transporter, the DNA Helix is around a bend across a small bridge.
  3. Near the end Spiderman will mention Mysterio and a cut scene will show you the last DNA Helix to the left in front of a building. 





  1. After the first fight inside the temple against  two Giant Phantoms, move through the doors and into a hall. Head to the right to find a side room where there is a DNA Helix. 
  2. After you use a pressure switch to reveal some stairs, climb the stairs until you reach a room with a diamond pattern on the floor. To the right is a side room with a DNA Helix.
  3. After you use another pressure switch, go up the stairs and to the left of the room is secret room with the last DNA Helix.  




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