Home 10-15 Hours HAWX 2 Trailer
HAWX 2 Trailer
Written by Slam Da Brakes   
Saturday, 10 July 2010 00:49


The trailer and name may be a bit cheesy - like a movie The Rock would never say no to - yet the first one must have sold quite a bit for them to make a sequel. H.A.W.X. 2 is out this fall and because it is a flying game, I cannot see it being much different to the first...


Much like the racing genre, you pretty much limited to what you can do other than put your foot down and in this case, shoot targets. The first HAWX you could unlock single player achievements in co-op making some of them a lot easier, so let us hope the developers don't do something random and take that out. Developers have been known to do that you know.


H.A.W.X 2 is due this later this year.





Video Games | HAWX 2 | Exclusive Debut Trailer
XBox 360 | Playstation 3 | Nintendo Wii











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