Home 5-10 Hours Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
5 - 10 hours
Written by Slam Da Brakes   
Wednesday, 20 January 2010 12:40
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The easiest way to complete the Campaign and to do it quickly is to use the cheats below (listed below in another tab). They will not affect achievements, however you MUST enter them after EVERY extraction (beginning a new level) for them to work. You will hear a sound if they are entered correctly.

Unfortunately playing the game on Hard will not unlock Normal, but since you are cheating and can't die, it is relatively painless to play the campaign twice.

As for the multiplayer achievements, some can actually be done locally with a second controller, while others, you need at least five Gamertags in the room for it to count.

The first 700 points are easy with rest very time consuming.



Heavyweight (Multiplayer) - 24 points

Get a total of 10,000 kills in multiplayer


This achievement sounds cool and probably quite hard doing legit. Plug in a second controller and start a co-op Objectives or co-op Territories. Set the respawns and enemy density to infinite in Advanced Options. Set the match to  60 mins.  Just stick close to your base and kill them as they advance towards you.

On the Wharf  Map , they spawn on the beach, so head down there with a grenade launcher and you can rack up about 10 - 15 at a time.



Deadly (Multiplayer) - 20 points

Get 4 kills in 4 seconds or less in multiplayer


You should get this while going for Heavyweight Achievement. Heading down to the beach on the Wharf Map with a grenade launcher will easily unlock this. Or wait until there is a group of enemies heading towards you, them let them have it.



Unyielding (Multiplayer) - 32 points

Get 30 kills before being killed in multiplayer


Another Multiplayer achievement that sounds hard, but so, so easy.  Stick in another controller and start a Solo Elimination match. Set the re-spawns to infinite. Just shoot the second controller 30 times in a row. Try doing head shots, as it will help you get the "Sniper" achievement.

Once the second controller is killed, you can choose the re-spawn point using the second controller, so make sure you choose a point right next to the first controller. Otherwise you will spend a lot of time searching for the second controller.


Falcon (Multiplayer) - 16 points

Shoot down 100 helicopters in multiplayer


Set up a Territory game Hamburger Hill  with a second controller. Whoever controls the hill, will have control of the helicopter. So send the second controller to run up to the hill and the then wait for the helicopter to spawn. Shoot down the helicopters using a Sniper Rifle. Rinse and repeat until you reach 100.


Sniper (Multiplayer) - 36 points

Get a career total of 500 head shots in multiplayer


Use the same method as "Unyielding" achievement above, except brain the second controller. This could be a little time consuming, but with the amount of kills being displayed in the right hand corner of you HUD, it 's quite easy to track. Remember it does not have to be a sniper rifle.


Committed (Multiplayer) - 28 points

Play for 8 hours straight in multiplayer


Here's another achievement you can earn by being asleep! Set a Co-op Elimination game. Set 30 second auto-launch timer and infinite respawns, then set the match 60 mins. Then go to bed. When you wake up, it will pop.


Master of Ceremonies - 24 points

Host at least 1000 matches


Extremely long grind this will be for 24 points. Probably easier if you set re-spawns to one in co-op territories and die straight away. I got to a hundred then my mom had my dinner ready.

Perfect chapter 1 (Multiplayer) - 40 points

Complete all primary and secondary objectives in chapter 1


You need to complete all four missions of Chapter One of Co-op campaign including the side missions (the ones with a yellow dot on the map) The cheats work in co-op.



World Champion (Multiplayer) - 40 points

Climb to the top of the universal leaderboard


Once you got your Solo and Team Champion scores up, you will rise on the universal Leaderboard. See Solo Champion below.



Solo champion (Multiplayer) - 32 points

Climb to the top of the solo leaderboard


There was a time when you could climb to the top and be “World Champion” by using a second controller ( sign in your second controller as a guest into Xbox Live, then win all your matches ) but sadly some spoil sport decided to update the game and take away this absolutely brilliant feature.

It is possible some say to auto-launch a Solo Elimination Ranked Match with a second account (Gamertag) and do it that way, but be warned. There is a guy I heard on there doing this with forty accounts so you will be pretty hard pressed to get near him.

If you want to do it legit, better just play players on higher levels as you rank up quicker.


Team champion (Multiplayer) - 32 points

Climb to the top of the team leaderboard


Same deal with solo above, except auto-launch a team ranked match with two players and let it run.  Not sure if this still works and it will probably take a while. Otherwise you will have to do it legit, and play players on higher levels as you rank up quicker.



Coop 1-1 - 8 points

Win missions in the cooperative campaign


The cheats work in the co-op missions. You need to complete all four missions of Chapter one in the co-op campaign.


Coop 1-2 - 8 points

Win missions in the cooperative campaign


See Coop 1-1 achievement above.


Coop 1-3 - 2 points

Win missions in the cooperative campaign


See Coop 1-1 achievement above.



Coop 1-4 - 8 points

Win missions in the cooperative campaign


See Coop 1-1 achievement above.



Assassin (Multiplayer) -15 points

Find and kill an opponent who has the Assassin Achievement


This is a viral achievement. Just enter any Live match and there is bound to be someone who has it and kill them.


Explorer (Multiplayer) - 20 points

Win 5 Team or Solo matches on each original MP map with at least 5 different gamertags in the room


This can be done in Private Player matches so easily boost this achievement. The maps are:





Old Town

Dry Dock


Fishing Village

Rocky Cove

Desert Glutch.



Victor (Multiplayer) -10 points

Win a public player match in all original game types with at least 5 different gamertags in the room


Tricky because the fact you have to get five Gamertags and only can be done in Public Player matches.


Team Player (Multiplayer) - 15 points

Win 30 co-op matches with at least 6 gamertags in the room


Because there are no ranked co-op matches, I would try to do this in Private Player and boost it that way.


Crack Shot (Multiplayer) - 15 points

Kill 10 players with gunshots and at least 5 gamertags in the room without reloading or dying


Can be done in Private Player but you need 5 Gamertags in the room. Note: only gunshots and no grenades.



Complete the training mission - 25 points

Complete the training mission


Self -explanatory and pretty short.


Reach Ramirez (normal) - 25 points

Reach Captain Ramirez’s position


If you want to storm through the campaign, then use the cheats. I used Scott Mitchell is Invincible and never bothered about the team too much. Let them die and suffer if you want. You will have to play the campaign twice as the achievements are not stackable.

You must re-enter the cheats after each extraction. You will hear a sound if you have entered the cheats correctly. The missions are very much linear and the objectives pretty standard.

See bottom tab for cheats.


Secure Ballantine (normal) - 25 points

Secure the US president


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.


Escort Ruiz-Pena (normal) - 25 points

Escort the Mexican president to US Embassy


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Neutralize rebel outpost (normal) - 25 points

Neutralize a rebel outpost blocking the highway


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Eliminate defenses (normal) - 25 points

Eliminate Chapultepek castle defenses


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Secure US tanks (normal) - 25 points

Take control of 50 US tanks stolen by rebels


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Protect US president (normal) - 25 points

Locate and protect US president


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Reach the Football (normal) - 25 points

Reach the Football's location


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Clear the way (normal) - 25 points

Clear access to rebel HQ


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Capture Ontiveros (normal) - 25 points

Capture General Ontiveros alive


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Locate the Football (normal) - 25 points

Take the Football back from Carlos Ontiveros


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Secure Ballantine (hard) - 25 points

Secure the US president


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Reach Ramirez (hard) - 25 points

Reach Captain Ramirez’s position


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Escort Ruiz-Pena (hard) - 25 points

Escort the Mexican president to US Embassy


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Neutralize rebel outpost (hard) - 25 points

Neutralize a rebel outpost blocking the highway


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Eliminate defenses (hard) - 25 points

Eliminate Chapultepek castle defenses


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Secure US tanks (hard) - 25 points

Take control of 50 US tanks stolen by rebels


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Protect US president (hard) - 25 points

Locate and protect US president


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Reach the Football (hard) - 25 points

Reach the Football's location


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Clear the way (hard) - 25 points

Clear access to rebel HQ


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Capture Ontiveros (hard) - 25 points

Capture General Ontiveros alive


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.



Locate the Football (hard) - 25 points

Take the Football back from Carlos Ontiveros


See Reach Ramirez achievement above.






Heavyweight (Multiplayer) - 24 points

Get a total of 10,000 kills in multiplayer


Deadly (Multiplayer) - 20 points

Get 4 kills in 4 seconds or less in multiplayer


Unyielding (Multiplayer) - 32 points

Get 30 kills before being killed in multiplayer


Falcon (Multiplayer) - 16 points

Shoot down 100 helicopters in multiplayer


Sniper (Multiplayer) - 36 points

Get a career total of 500 head shots in multiplayer


Committed (Multiplayer) - 28 points

Play for 8 hours straight in multiplayer


Perfect chapter 1 (Multiplayer) - 40 points

Complete all primary and secondary objectives in chapter 1


World Champion (Multiplayer) - 40 points

Climb to the top of the universal leaderboard


Solo champion (Multiplayer) - 32 points

Climb to the top of the solo leaderboard


Team champion (Multiplayer) - 32 points

Climb to the top of the team leaderboard


Master of Ceremonies - 24 points

Host at least 1000 matches


Coop 1-1 - 8 points

Win missions in the cooperative campaign


Coop 1-2 - 8 points

Win missions in the cooperative campaign


Coop 1-3 - 2 points

Win missions in the cooperative campaign


Coop 1-4 - 8 points

Win missions in the cooperative campaign


Complete the training mission - 25 points

Complete the training mission


Reach Ramirez (normal) - 25 points

Reach Captain Ramirez's position


Secure Ballantine (normal) - 25 points

Secure the US president


Escort Ruiz-Pena (normal) - 25 points

Escort the Mexican president to US Embassy


Neutralize rebel outpost (normal) - 25 points

Neutralize a rebel outpost blocking the highway


Eliminate defenses (normal) - 25 points

Eliminate Chapultepek castle defenses


Secure US tanks (normal) - 25 points

Take control of 50 US tanks stolen by rebels


Protect US president (normal) - 25 points

Locate and protect US president


Reach the Football (normal) - 25 points

Reach the Football's location


Clear the way (normal) - 25 points

Clear access to rebel HQ


Capture Ontiveros (normal) - 25 points

Capture General Ontiveros alive


Locate the Football (normal) - 25 points

Take the Football back from Carlos Ontiveros


Secure Ballantine (hard) - 25 points

Secure the US president


Reach Ramirez (hard) - 25 points

Reach Captain Ramirez's position


Escort Ruiz-Pena (hard) - 25 points

Escort the Mexican president to US Embassy


Neutralize rebel outpost (hard) - 25 points

Neutralize a rebel outpost blocking the highway


Eliminate defenses (hard) - 25 points

Eliminate Chapultepek castle defenses


Secure US tanks (hard) - 25 points

Take control of 50 US tanks stolen by rebels


Protect US president (hard) - 25 points

Locate and protect US president


Reach the Football (hard) - 25 points

Reach the Football's location


Clear the way (hard) - 25 points

Clear access to rebel HQ


Capture Ontiveros (hard) - 25 points

Capture General Ontiveros alive


Locate the Football (hard) - 25 points

Take the Football back from Carlos Ontiveros


Explorer (Multiplayer) - 20 points

Win 5 Team or Solo matches on each original MP map with at least 5 different gamertags in the room


Victor (Multiplayer) -10 points

Win a public player match in all original game types with at least 5 different gamertags in the room


Team Player (Multiplayer) - 15 points

Win 30 co-op matches with at least 6 gamertags in the room


Assassin (Multiplayer) -15 points

Find and kill an opponent who has the Assassin Achievement


Crack Shot (Multiplayer) - 15 points

Kill 10 players with gunshots and at least 5 gamertags in the room without reloading or dying




This game has cheats that DO NOT AFFECT ACHIEVEMENTS.


Pause the game, then HOLD Back Button + LT + RT  then enter the codes below. You will hear a sound if entered correctly. You must enter them again before every level (after extraction)


CHEAT                                        EFFECT
Y, Y, X, RB, X, LB Scott Mitchell is Invincible
X, X, Y, RB, Y, LB Team is Invincible
RB, RB, LB, X, LB, Y Infinite Ammo
LB, LB, RB, X, RB, Y Refill Health 100%
Y, RB, Y, RB, X Unlock All Missions


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