It is not official, but you cannot argue when Microsoft's OWN online store has listed Kinect at $150. Makes our poll on the right there more relevant. I can see the achievements for Kinect games being super easy although at what price?...
News has also started to filter through that the actual unit costs $150 to manufacture which means Microsoft will make zippo if anyone buys the unit. Did they REALLY think this through? In a word. No. Michael Patcher, financial analyst, in a video below thinks the price needs to be right. Like no kidding, Sherlock.
I think it's good they put the units at the cost it takes to manufacture, cheaper for us and hopefully easy achievements :] and a lot of em'
|2010-06-23 06:52:54Jesse
hmm that'll probably be 200 buck in australia plus 450 for xbox slim.
|2010-06-23 18:39:09robert
150quid over here in britain then. hope it comes with a free game
|2010-06-23 19:22:26madraver81
£120+ at shopto. Doesn't come with a game. Its at cost but Microsoft cant have much faith in the product. Only way its going to get into more homes is to take a loss.
|2010-06-25 00:56:26BJ
150 in UK?!
In New Zealand its gunna cost a shit load