Conversation Between Slam Da Brakes and Misplaced1BRAIN
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
What a novel idea for a site. Great find!
just found a site that looks good helps me to know whats on the way in games, AND some will keep me going with anticpation check it out :
slam I see that you have not mentioned "Pac-Man Championship Edition DX" that came to XBLA just a few days ago, it is very easy, can get all 200 ach. in less the 2 hours, and you don't even have to play all ot it, just change the visiual, and well you should get it right away
I have got them all for Mystique and myself already.
geez, i changed my GT again, it's "MyAngelicDemon" now
just noticed that when i changed my Gamertag, I was droped from the leaderboard, new gamertag is "MyDemonsLegacy"
slam, i have noticed that the main site no longer has a SIGN OUT option, is it going to come back?
how do i join in on the challange?
well looks like your microsoft INSIDER lead you a bit astray, I don't see "joy ride" yet