Thread: Halo: Reach
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Old 06-16-2011, 07:55 AM   #3
Dark General
Points: 7,116, Level: 55
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Awards Showcase
Level 50 Membership Level 2 Reached Bot Killer Noob Winner Noob Challenger Membership Level 1 Reached Dark General Winner EX3A Member Guide Award Master of Order Play Anything For Achievements 
Total Awards: 12


Heat in the Pipe-75g
Scored 1,000,000 points in a Firefight game
See “Game, Set, Match”

Game, Set, Match-25g
Completed a Firefight set on Legendary without dying.
This achievement is very easy due to the fact that you can change Firefight settings. You can make your own gametype where you have infinite rockets as ammo and you are invulnerable. With these settings, you can very easily and quickly blow through this achievement (make sure you are on Legendary difficulty, though). While getting this one, you will most likely get all of the others for getting a million points, two hundred thousand, etc. The only one that might give you a little trouble is getting a Killionaire, but I’m sure that eventually you will see ten enemies together that you can destroy with your rockets and/or Fuel Rod Gun.

Make it Rain-10g
Purchased an item from the Armory that required the rank of Lt. ColonelOnce you reach Lt. Colonel, you will unlock new items for purchase in the Armory. Simply buy any of these, and the achievement is yours. I would recommend buying the blue visor, because it’s the prettiest.

The Start of Something-15g
Reached the rank of Corporal in the UNSC
See “An Honor Serving”

An Honor Serving-25g
Reached the rank of Captain in the UNSC.
The rank of Captain is one of the earlier ranks. It will take a while to get there, but shouldn’t take too long. If you go through campaign and aren’t a Captain, just go play online for a while.

A Storage Solution-5g
Used the File Browser to upload a file to your File Share.
The File Share is your way of showing people your creations. You can upload custom game variants, map variants, films, or screenshots to your file share. Once you’ve made one of these items, look at its options and there should be one for “Upload to File Share”. After it finishes uploading, the achievement is yours.

A New Challenger-10g
Completed all of the Daily Challenges in a given day.

Make it Drizzle-10g
Purchased an item from the Armory.
You can purchase items from the Armory with Credits you earn. After you’ve earned enough to buy anything, just pause it and go to The Armory and buy anything.

Cool File, Bro-5g
Recommended a file to someone.
After you’ve uploaded a file to your file share, simply look at it and hit “Recommend to Friends” and this achievement will pop.

Lemme Upgrade ya-10g
Advanced a Commendation to a Silver state.
Commendations in Halo: Reach are ways that you can keep track of certain feats, i.e. how many headshots you have, how many assists you have, how many multikills you have, etc. It is very simple to advance one to Silver. By the time you beat the Campaign and the “Make It Rain” achievement, you practically have to have this one.

One Down, 51 to Go-10g
Completed a Weekly Challenge
When you press start and go to the “Challenges” area on the pause screen, you will see a list of challenges. The very bottom is the weekly challenge. If you don’t want to do that one, just wait a week and it will change. Simply complete one of them, and this achievement is yours.

Cost 800 MSP; Points 250

Both Barrels-50g
Noble 1: Earn a Double Kill with the shotgun in multiplayer Matchmaking.The shotgun is a close range weapon. To get this, you simply have to kill two enemies with it within four seconds of each other. This is fairly easy, and should come naturally through playing.

Cross Mappin’-50g
Noble 1: Kill a player at long range with the DMR in a matchmade Slayer game
For the kill to be counted as long range, you have to be able to look at the enemy through your scope and the reticule not turn red. This is a VERY long way away. Just go to into the “Big Team Battle” or “Invasion” playlists, and you should get a big map. Once you do, simply go to high ground and look across the map for enemies to shoot.

Offensive Driver-20g
Noble 1: Earn a kill in a matchmade Rocket Race game.
Rocket Race is a very odd gametype where everyone has rocket launchers and drives around in warthogs. The problem is that people are invincible in rocket race, so you have to assassinate them to get the achievement. Just drive around flipping warthogs with your rocket launcher, and when the people get out, jump out and try to assassinate them.

Poppin’ and Lockin’-25g
Noble 1: Destroy a vehicle using Armor Lock in a matchmade gameArmor Lock is an armor ability that makes you invincible for a short time. Also, if a vehicle runs into it full speed, the vehicle will blow up. Turn on armor lock as your armor ability in a matchmade game, and if someone starts driving at you in a vehicle, hit armor lock right before they get to you. They should explode and get you the achievement.

Totally Worth it-50g
Noble 1: Earn a Double Kill from the Grave in multiplayer Matchmaking.Kills from the grave are kills that you get after you die. The easiest way to get this is to run into a big group of enemies on a suicide mission, and then stick one right before you die. Hopefully you will die and then it will get you a double kill, netting you this achievement.

You Ate All the Chips-42g
Noble 1: Collect all of the flags in a matchmade Stockpile game.
This achievement can be difficult, and I would recommend boosting for it or doing it with a full team. In Stockpile, there is a 60 second “capture” period where you can take flags from around the map and put them in a circular capture area, and if they are still there at the end of the capture period they will be taken up for points. For this achievement, you have to get all four of the flags on the map to capture at the same time.

You Blew it Up!-13g
Noble 1: Blow up the research facility in a matchmade Invasion game on Breakpoint.
Go into the Invasion playlist and vote for the map Breakpoint when you get an option. When you’re an offense, you have to completely win the round. There are three “phases” and winning the final one blows up the research facility and nets you this achievement.

Cost 800 MSP; Points 150

Return to Sender-30g
Defiant: Successfully return two flags in a matchmade CTF game
This achievement is very easy, and should come naturally in multiplayer games. Returning the flag means that in a CTF game, somebody takes your flag and then drops it without capturing it. Simply go sit on it until it returns to your base for it to count as a recovery. Rinse and repeat and the achievement is yours.

Crackin’ Skulls-45g
Defiant: Kill 3 players with the Oddball in a matchmade Oddball game
In Oddball games, the objective is to carry a skull around to get points. While holding the skull, you can punch somebody once and they will die. Do this three times and the achievement is yours!

Candy from a Baby-75g
Defiant: Capture two flags from an enemy capture zone in a matchmade Stockpile game.
This achievement can be rather tricky, and I would recommend boosting for it or at least getting a team together to help you. You have to wait for the enemy to drop a flag in their capture zone, then take that flag and go put it in yours and let it get captured. You have to do it twice in one game for the cheevo.
Haven't whored for a while, probably getting back into it though. I swear Pantaloon is my last account haha
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