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Old 05-25-2010, 04:59 PM   #1
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Defaultcall of duty classic

at last done that horrible eder dam getaway level on veteran only took me since christmas 09 to pluck up the patience to get through it without any casulties(controllers).
has anyone completed on veteran because i wondered is there any more nasty little devils waiting as i progress(as long as there not as bad as the forest level in cod3.arrrggh...)
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Old Yesterday, 07:07 PM   #2
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I am still doing it on vet Stopped few months ago will go back now that I seen this can't remember what level I am at? dam was a pain think the truck part was the hardest I can remember must go back and finish it done on normal vet is a pain in the ass! Like all cod games except new 1 was soooo easy.
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