I know exactly where you're coming from Slam and I feel your pain completely, although I would beg to differ whether it's as bad as you make out. The thing that really got me was:
Originally Posted by Slam Da Brakes
...become a hero at the end and within five seconds of accepting, I was picked up by a fell beast, instant kill.
I mean this is absolutely ridiculous that a felbeast can swoop down and pick up Sauron like he's just a standard pawn! But that aside, for easy G's just run through it on 'casual'. Have managed to get all of the offline achievements without too much trouble amounting to 660G. Not really that bad I don't think.
In response to Blain, I wouldn't bother buying it, try renting it or borrowing it from someone for a week. You can run through all of the campaigns easily in a day, and have found some guys from here who are up for boosting the multiplayer achievements (using the methods Slam reported last month).
Simple, fun game, frustrating at times with poor longevity (even with Live options).
P.S If anyone's having trouble getting the offline achievements I'd be more than happy to advise. If I wasn't so busy with uni atm I'd write a guide.