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Showing results 1 to 30 of 1972 Ranking
Level User Name Points Activity Points for user Points for threads Points for posts Reverse Sort Order Points for miscellaneous
76 Slam Da Brakes 13,773 9.1% 2,984 8,451 2,865 -527
66 Blain 10,043 73.8% 2,539 4,483 2,760 261
76 Dooney 14,020 53.3% 2,531 4,747 2,538 2,310
52 IRELAND NO 1 6,446 56.6% 2,153 1,853 2,420 20
75 Gun Devil 2 13,480 93.4% 2,298 2,712 2,280 6,061
54 buttoon 6,839 8.0% 691 778 1,370 4,000
66 CovertPimpSloth 9,860 0% 2,319 2,199 1,092 4,250
49 G0nz0killa 5,885 23.2% 2,471 379 972 2,064
34 eddie tubs 3,192 41.1% 823 752 868 750
55 New Found Terror 6,964 12.3% 2,365 887 842 2,870
61 whttrashtheman 8,242 10.7% 2,241 2,212 790 3,000
71 Nwehrman11 11,660 11.6% 1,058 967 784 8,851
32 mestiso7323 2,895 3.6% 999 520 726 651
32 johnnie5alive 2,765 12.1% 1,478 315 712 260
41 killabee12 4,176 9.0% 1,847 454 706 1,170
55 MMMMMMMMMMMMMEH 7,116 0.8% 1,913 459 694 4,050
42 FPS GLIMMER 4,393 10.7% 1,854 829 654 1,056
38 a_correa4 3,748 11.1% 1,828 501 620 800
43 TruthLies 4,688 29.8% 567 848 524 2,750
32 Everton 2,895 18.2% 1,962 89 524 320
43 jjbadnell 4,587 1.6% 2,028 188 502 1,870
44 phoenixthreat 4,843 1.6% 2,415 728 450 1,250
41 Sev 4,292 99.9% 2,094 396 448 1,354
38 Slydog73 3,687 19.8% 1,302 181 434 1,770
32 Ltpenguin 2,766 0.9% 1,193 844 426 301
38 LCW P w N s U 3,792 3.6% 1,573 649 422 1,150
39 SHADYSHEEDY 3,900 0% 2,440 226 414 820
32 PWjuggalo 2,770 1.9% 1,315 792 414 250
26 BuckshotBrian24 1,998 0% 863 223 412 500
Showing results 1 to 30 of 1972

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