Home Latest News Batman: Arkham City Release Dates
Batman: Arkham City Release Dates
Written by Slam Da Brakes   
Friday, 11 March 2011 20:04
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How do you make a good sequel? You make the character go darker. It is a proven formula for Spiderman, Harry Potter and even Luke Skywalker. But what if the character is already pretty dark? Well then in the case of Batman: Arkham City, you add more villains...


Which also worked for Spiderman, Harry Potter and even Luke Skywalker in their three-quels. Actually, maybe not so much for Luke Skywalker in Return Of The Jedi as that sucked. However cast your eyes to the release dates for Batman Arkham City below and get ready for more nasty villains.


Batman: Arkham City is due October 18 (NA) October 19 (AUS) and October 21 (EU)

















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