Home Arcade Pac-Man
Written by Nwehrman11   
Monday, 25 October 2010 12:42
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Hello everyone, I am writing a guide for one of the all time great classics, Pac-Man for the Xbox Live Arcade. Almost everyone has played the game of Pac-Man in some way and I would imagine loved it. This arcade game is no different, I enjoyed playing it and the fact that the achievements weren't too bad made it that much better. So here is your guide:


This game is pretty easy. When you get a game over, you can start your new game from the last level you were on, making it easy to get the achievements for beating certain levels. You can also go to options and change your lives per game to 5 instead of 3 which helps as well. Also please realize the achievements don't pop up until you get a game over so don't think since none of the achievements are popping up that your doing something wrong.



All Ghosts - 10 points

Eat all ghosts in succession after eating a Power Pellet!


A Power Pellet is the bigger pellets that turn the enemy ghosts blue and make them go alot slower. This achievement requires a little strategy and patience. You need to eat the Power Pellet and then eat all 4 ghosts before they turn back to their original color. You are going to want to play around with the ghosts and get all of them fairly close to you, eat the Power Pellet and try your best to eat them all as quick as possible. If you don't get it first time don't worry, there are 4 Power Pellets on each level. Keep trying and you won't have any trouble getting this very early on.



Cherry - 5 points

Eat the Cherries that appear after eating a set number of Pac-Dots in Round 1!


The easiest achievement in this game. Start out on level one and just eat the pellets, or Pac-Dots as they are apparently called. After eating a few a cherry will appear just below the place where the ghosts spawn. Eat the cherry and when your game is over you will get this achievement.


Strawberry - 5 points

Eat the Strawberry that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots in Round 2!


Same as the cherry achievement. In round two after eating a certain amount of pellets the strawberry will appear in the same spot that the cherry did. Eat it and after the game, this achievement is also yours.



Orange - 10 points

Eat the Orange that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots in Round 3 or 4!


The orange appears in rounds 3 and 4. So if you happened to miss it somehow in round 3, just grab it in round 4 and you will get this achievement. Same as the others just eat some pellets and it will appear.

Apple - 10 points

Eat the Apple that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots in Round 5 or 6!

You should be noticing a pattern with these achievements. You eat a certain number of pellets and a fruit or item of some sort appear on the level. Eat it and you get the achievement. Simple as that. This particular one is an apple. Eat it in rounds 5 or 6 and you are good to go.

Clear Round 5 - 15 points

Clear the beginner level by completing the first 5 rounds!

All you have to do is beat the first 5 rounds. They are called beginner levels for a reason, they are easy. You should have no problem getting this achievement and beating these 5 rounds, but to make it even easier, everytime you get a game over you can start your next game on the last level you were playing. Example: Get a game over trying to beat level 5, you can start your next game on level 5. Beat that level and you get the achievement after your game is over.



Melon - 15 points

Eat the Melon that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots in Round 7 or 8!


Another pretty easy achievement. Same concept as all the others. The levels at this point are still fairly easy, in my opinion but I finished this game pretty quickly and easily because I am a decent Pac-Man player. The levels don't start getting tough until around 15 or so in my opinion. Eat the melon when it appears and the achievement is yours.


Galboss - 15 points

Eat the Galboss that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots in Round 9 or 10!


For the average to below average player, the levels might be starting to get slightly tough. If you would consider yourself above average at all, your still breezing through these levels. Same stuff, eat some pellets and the Galboss will appear below the ghosts spawn. Eat it.


Bell - 20 points

Eat the Bell that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots in Round 11 or 12!


Really not much explanation I can give for these achievements at this point. You just eat the pellets and the item appears and you eat it. If it is beating levels you are having trouble with just look at the guide for the last achievement and I will try and help those people who are just struggling to beat the levels.

Key - 25 points

Eat the Key that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots after Round 13!


There are 21 rounds in this game. The Key is the last item that you have to eat and it is the last one that appears. So from rounds 14-21 there is a key in every one. At this point, focus on beating the levels. Don't worry about the key. You are bound to have an open oppurtunity to grab the key in one of these levels even if you are not going for it. This is when the levels start to get a little more difficult. So don't worry about the keys. Eat the pellets. If you see a good opening to grab the key and not die right after, then do it. Just don't make the key your priority because the oppourtunity will arise I promise.


Clear Round 21 - 40 points

Clear the advanced level by completing the first 21 rounds!


The last few levels might be somewhat difficult because as you progress through the levels it seems like the ghosts get a little faster and faster. Still not all that hard though because like I said before you can start your new game from the last level you were on. You can beat one level at a time if thats what it takes. I would consider myself decent but not the best, so I will try and give you a few tips and tricks that worked for me at least.


Use the tunnels on the sides. They send you to the other side of the level and they are very key in getting ghosts off your back. It takes a few times to get used to it especially if your going fast but it is very key in getting away from some ghosts in hot pursuit. The other big one obviously is the power pellets. USE THEM WISELY!! I can not stress this enough especially in the later levels. You want to eat as many pellets as you can and use the power pellets when you absolutely have to. When you do eat the Power pellets do not go for ghosts. Just eat the pellets and get the level over with. Towards the end it starts to get a little tough, so your gonna need all the help you can get.



Perfect - 30 points

Eat all ghosts four times within a stage!


This is basically the 'All Ghosts' achievement, x4. Four Power Pellets per level, 4 ghosts per Power Pellet, so you have to eat 16 ghosts on one level. This achievement will frustrate you. Your not going to get it first try unless you have incredible luck and alot of skill. You just have to be patient and use the power pellets at the perfect time. All of the ghosts need to be near you and you can't make any mistakes once you get the pellet. I would hold off on this achievement until it is the only one that you need. Just start over on level one and just keep trying and trying, it might take some time but you will get it eventually.


Here is a youtube video that might or might not help you get this achievement. Credit goes to Human1league for the video.




Obviously it will be hard to follow that exact path but just notice how he draws all 4 of them near him and then eats the power pellet and all 4 of them are close enough to eat in time.


Hope this helps, the game isn't too tough to get all 200 if you ask me. As always questions and comments are always welcome!




All Ghosts - 10 points

Eat all ghosts in succession after eating a Power Pellet!


Cherry - 5 points

Eat the Cherries that appear after eating a set number of Pac-Dots in Round 1!


Strawberry - 5 points

Eat the Strawberry that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots in Round 2!


Orange - 10 points

Eat the Orange that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots in Round 3 or 4!


Apple - 10 points

Eat the Apple that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots in Round 5 or 6!


Clear Round 5 - 15 points

Clear the beginner level by completing the first 5 rounds!


Melon - 15 points

Eat the Melon that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots in Round 7 or 8!


Galboss - 15 points

Eat the Galboss that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots in Round 9 or 10!


Bell - 20 points

Eat the Bell that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots in Round 11 or 12!


Key - 25 points

Eat the Key that appears after eating a set number of Pac-Dots after Round 13!


Clear Round 21 - 40 points

Clear the advanced level by completing the first 21 rounds!


Perfect - 30 points

Eat all ghosts four times within a stage!






