If you are wondering how well Kinect is doing, it looks like it is fast approaching the targeted worldwide sales of 5 million for the end of the year as it recently hit the 3.97 million mark. Take note, the above figure is not entirely accurate...
Microsoft have not released the official figures and this figure is based on the sales of Kinect Adventures, which comes bundled with the unit. If Kinect Adventures was a stand-alone product, it is very doubtful it would actually sell that amount. As a comparison, Call Of Duty Black Ops sold 4 million in the first week of release in the US and we all know how popular that title was and still is. This figure is further complicated as it would possible include new consoles sold with the Kinect bundle. That said, Kinect Adventures is a good indication of the amount of Kinect units actually being adopted. Whether the interest for it will remain until next holidays is the bigger question and the bigger picture.
[source of figures VGN Chartz]