Hello everyone this is Nwehrman11 again bringing you another guide that I hope you find helpful. I personally do not own this game, however I have played it many many times at my friends house. He and his dad are big hunters and obviously these Cabela's games were a no brainer for him to buy especially since the achievements are not terribly difficult. He will be helping me with these guides because he is much better at the game than I am so here we go.
Here is a mini road-map for you all if you just got this game. I would play through the game on normal first, and do everything. Do all the main objectives obviously, and the secondary objectives, the bonus missions, and then do all the Action Zone. All 24 medals. This should give you 100% completion on normal. When you get that achievement, start up a career on Difficult and after the first mission you should get the achievement for 100% completion on difficult. Then just complete the career on difficult as quickly as possible. You should then have all the achievements except the Bee Hives and maybe snakes. Then just get those two and you are done with the game with 1000GS. Won't take too long at all. Enjoy!
Perseverant Award - 50 points
Complete all Bonus Missions
The bonus missions are pretty easy. There are 5 of them total and you will unlock them as you play through the career. You start with one and unlock them as you continue to the different areas of the world and if you can continue to beat the levels and unlock the bonus missions, you should have no problem completing the bonue missions themselves.
Bronze Sharpshooter - 50 points
Earn all Bronze Medals in Action Zone
In action Zone there are 4 different medals, bronze silver gold and platinum, and 6 different challenges. They are not too terribly difficult but platinum might give you a little bit of a problem, but you should be able to get them with some practice. The bad part is they are not stackable. You have to get all the bronze, all the silver, and so on.
I would recommend you go for the platinum medals first, because it only gets easier from that point on. You have to score a certain amount of points in a certain amount of time. The power-ups are definitely your friend in these challenges so try to get them and make sure you use them.
Silver Sharpshooter - 75 points
Earn all Silver Medals in Action Zone
Same as Bronze, Gold and Platinum medals. I would recommend you do Platinum and Gold before you get these, and they should give you no trouble.
Gold Sharpshooter - 100 points
Earn all Gold Medals in Action Zone
Same as Platinum, Silver and Bronze medals. Just knock out platinum first and you will be prepared to knock these out fairly easily.
Platinum Sharpshooter - 200 points
Earn all Platinum Medals in Action Zone
Who doesn't love an achievement worth that kind of gamerscore? If your looking at this guide then I know you sure do. This one won't be a breeze though. It isn't impossible, but if you are just straight bad at this game, it will take a bit of work and practice. Just keep at it and make sure you acquire and use your power-ups. Do these first and you will have no problem with Gold, Silver and Bronze like I said before.
Experienced Hunter - 50 points
Complete the Career Mode on Normal
Before you go for this achievement, look at the guide for completionist and rabid completionist. During the career, you will explore 10 different locations all over the world. While at each of these there are main objectives, and secondary objectives.
To complete the career and to get this particular achievement, you just need to complete all the main objectives. But for completionist, which is to complete the game 100% on normal, you need to do the main and secondary objectives. So obviously instead of playing the whole career on normal twice, you might as well just do all the objectives in your first playthrough to get 100% and get both achievements. There is also a glitch to get the rabid completionist achievement which I will explain when I get to that achievement.
Pro Hunter Award -100 points
Complete the Career Mode on Difficult
This is the same as experience hunter, except on difficult instead of normal. There is also an achievement for completing the career 100% on difficult but there is a glitch. Play through the career on normal and complete it 100%. Then start your career on difficult and after the first mission you should get rabid completionist (complete the career 100% on difficult). I have been told it does not work 100% of the time but most people say it worked for them. So if that works for you then just do the main objectives when you play through on difficult and it should go much quicker.
Apiphobia - 20 points
Destroy at least 10 Bee Hives playing Career Mode
This can be done on multiple careers. Personally I would make this one of the last achievements you get. If you happen to notice them throughout your careers on normal and difficult then destroy them, but if you don't get it by then don't worry about it and get it when your done with all that. Bee Hives are only on the second level and the fourth level.
Play through the game and when your done with all the career achievements start a new career and on the second level there should be two or three hives, and on the fourth I believe there are 2. So destroy them, save the career, start a new one and do the same thing. Once you have destroyed 10 the achievement will pop when you save your game.
Completionist - 60 points
Complete the game 100% on Normal
See 'Experienced Hunter'. Just complete all the main and secondary objectives for all the levels. I would turn autosave off and save after every levels. That way if you don't get all the objectives for a level you can turn the game off and back on and re-do that level instead of having to start a whole new career over.
Skilled Hunter Award - 20 points
Use all Power-Ups at least once
There are 6 power-ups in the game and you get them during the Action Zone part of the game. You get these for killing a certain amount of things in a certain amount of time and you use these power-ups by pushing the RS in. The power-ups are as follows:
Quick Draw - Taking down 1 trophy with a clean shot, less than 5 meters away.
4X multiplier - Taking down 5 trophies in less than 1 minute.
Laser Bullet - Taking down 2 trophies with clean shots, in less than 20 seconds from more than 5 meters away.
Animal Freeze - Taking down 3 trophies with clean shots, in less than 40 seconds from less than 20 meters away.
Thermal Vision - Taking down 3 throphies in 20 seconds from 7 yards away, using a pistol.
Instant Kill - Taking down 3 trophies in less than 20 seconds.
Just get all the power-ups at least once and use them at least once and this achievement is all yours.
Snakes on a Plain - 20 points
Take down at least 15 Poisonous Snakes playing Career Mode
This is similar to the Bee Hive achievement except this can be done in just 1 playthrough, not to mention one level. While playing the game if you notice a yellow circle in the top right corner of your screen, that means something is in your area. When you click the LS that brings up the "Hunter Sense" mode where you can see everything in your area alot better.
Your best bet for this achievement is in India. When you get to the temple with the tiger, you will see at least 10 snakes. There are another 8-10 snakes on that level alone so you should get this achievement pretty easily.
Rabid Completionist -120 points
Complete the game 100% on Difficult
See 'Pro Hunter Award'.
Secret Achievements
You're Grrrreat! -15 points
Completed all objectives in India while playing Career Mode
You will get all these achievements while going for the completionist achievement. You simply have to complete all the main and secondary objectives for the particular area that you are in.
Mane Event - 15 points
Completed all objectives in Tanzania while playing Career Mode
See 'Your Grrrreat!'
Nice shooting, eh? -15 points
Completed all objectives in British Columbia while playing Career Mode
See 'Your Grrrreat!'
Buffalowned -15 points
Completed all objectives in Congo while playing Career Mode
See 'Your Grrrreat!'
Bear Necessities - 15 points
Completed all objectives in Thailand while playing Career Mode
See 'Your Grrrreat!
Rumble in the Jungle -15 points
Completed all objectives in Ecuador while playing Career Mode
See 'Your Grrrreat!'
Bear-ing Straight -15 points
Completed all objectives in Alaska while playing Career Mode
See 'Your Grrrreat!'
A Spot of Luck -15 points
Completed all objectives in Namibia while playing Career Mode
See 'Your Grrrreat!'
Bear shoots you! -15 points
Completed all objectives in Russia while playing Career Mode
See 'Your Grrrreat!'
Well guys, thats it. Not a hard game even if your not big on hunting and hunting games of this nature. If your looking for a pretty easy, somewhat quick 1000GS I would advise to pick this game up, and it shouldn't be too expensive anymore. Any questions or comments just post back in the forum here.
Perseverant Award - 50 points
Complete all Bonus Missions.
Bronze Sharpshooter - 50 points
Earn all Bronze Medals in Action Zone.
Silver Sharpshooter - 75 points
Earn all Silver Medals in Action Zone.
Gold Sharpshooter - 100 points
Earn all Gold Medals in Action Zone.
Platinum Sharpshooter - 200 points
Earn all Platinum Medals in Action Zone.
Experienced Hunter - 50 points
Complete the Career Mode on Normal.
Pro Hunter Award -100 points
Complete the Career Mode on Difficult.
Apiphobia - 20 points
Destroy at least 10 Bee Hives playing Career Mode.
Completionist - 60 points
Complete the game 100% on Normal.
Skilled Hunter Award - 20 points
Use all Power-Ups at least once.
Snakes on a Plain - 20 points
Take down at least 15 Poisonous Snakes playing Career Mode.
Rabid Completionist -120 points
Complete the game 100% on Difficult.
Secret Achievements
You're Grrrreat! -15 points
Completed all objectives in India while playing Career Mode.
Mane Event - 15 points
Completed all objectives in Tanzania while playing Career Mode.
Nice shooting, eh? -15 points
Completed all objectives in British Columbia while playing Career Mode.
Buffalowned -15 points
Completed all objectives in Congo while playing Career Mode.
Bear Necessities - 15 points
Completed all objectives in Thailand while playing Career Mode.
Rumble in the Jungle -15 points
Completed all objectives in Ecuador while playing Career Mode.
Bear-ing Straight -15 points
Completed all objectives in Alaska while playing Career Mode.
A Spot of Luck -15 points
Completed all objectives in Namibia while playing Career Mode.
Bear shoots you! -15 points
Completed all objectives in Russia while playing Career Mode.