Time to 100% : 6-8 hours
Estimated Achievement difficulty: 5 out of 10
Number of Playthroughs: 2
Stackable Achievements: 23
Cheat Codes :N/A
Glitchable achievements: N/A
Thank you for viewing my first attempt at an achievement guide.
First off the game overall isn’t that difficult. There are a couple of areas that are painful but with patience you can make it through it. The quickest way to get 1000 (in my opinion) is by playing the game on hard difficulty for the first playthrough due to the stackable level achievements. This will make the second playthrough seem so much easier especially when going for the Natural Resistance achievement (see below). Another tip is to try and master head shots as this will help you conserve ammo.
The first group has 23 achievements and they are related to completing levels on certain difficulties. They are all stackable and are earned by simply beating the game on hard. They cannot be missed.
Host - 10 points
Complete Mission 1 on Normal
Quarantine - 10 points
Complete Mission 2 on Normal
Infection - 10 points
Complete Mission 3 on Normal
Refuge - 10 points
Complete Mission 4 on Normal
Trip - 10 points
Complete Mission 5 on Normal
Hunted - 10 points
Complete Mission 6 on Normal
Captured - 10 points
Complete Mission 7 on Normal
Payback - 10 points
Complete Mission 8 on Normal
Evac - 10 points
Complete Mission 9 on Normal
Whiteknight - 10 points
Complete Mission 10 on Normal
FUBAR - 20 points
Complete Mission 1 on Hard
Deep Serious - 20 points
Complete Mission 2 on Hard
Dinky Dau - 20 points
Complete Mission 3 on Hard
A Laugh a Minute - 20 points
Complete Mission 4 on Hard
BOHICA - 20 points
Complete Mission 5 on Hard
Cut a Chogie - 20 points
Complete Mission 6 on Hard
Bush Master - 20 points
Complete Mission 7 on Hard
Snoop 'n’ Poop - 20 points
Complete Mission 8 on Hard
Zone and Sweep - 20 points
Complete Mission 9 on Hard
Bookoo Hostiles - 20 points
Complete Mission 10 on Hard
Blue Leg - 50 points
Complete the game on Easy
Charlie Don’t Surf - 150 points
Complete the game on Normal
Shell Shocked - 200 points
Complete the game on Hard
The next group has 12 achievements and they will be related to kills. I suggest trying to get as many as you can during your first playthrough. I earned 11 out of 12 while playing on hard. These are all pretty much self explanatory but I will add comments as needed.
Bok-Bok - 15 points
Beat down an enemy
Story related can’t miss it, These are the grappling scenes that make you mash buttons to kill your attacker
Lots of Bok-Bok - 15 points
Beat down 15 enemies
Rinse and repeat Bok-Bok
Cutting a path - 15 points
Kill 15 enemies with the machete
Hard Boiled - 15 points
Kill 3 enemies with one pistol clip
Army Issue - 15 points
Kill 5 enemies with one M16 clip
Field of Fire - 15 points
Kill 5 enemies with one AK47 clip
Boom Baby! - 15 points
Kill 3 enemies with one rocket or grenade
Cook-Off - 15 points
Kill 15 enemies with one belt of a non-mounted Heavy Machine Gun
Get the unmounted machine gun from the location described in Fire for Effect below. Then use it in the area described in Natural Resistance area of concern number 4 below. I got 15 kills with 17-20 rounds in this location.
Caca Dau - 15 points
Score a decapitating head shot
One head shot automatically severs/explodes the head
Caca Dau x 15 - 15 points
Score 15 decapitating head shots
Rinse and repeat Caca Dau
SNAFU - 15 points
Dismember 50 enemies
Don’t worry about this one, it’s most likely impossible to miss it. If your killing bullet hits any appendage then it becomes separated from the body and you will be one step closer to getting this achievement. Remember one head shot automatically severs/explodes the head
Free Fire Zone - 15 points
Kill 150 enemies
Story related can’t miss it
The next group has 4 achievements and are earned by completing levels/game under certain circumstances for example completing a level only using a certain weapon. If you don't get these on the hard difficulty, then don't worry, all but one are very simple on easy.
Natural Resistance - 35 points
Complete the game without being killed by an Infected
This is probably the hardest achievement in the game. I earned it on my second playthrough while on easy. When in doubt throw grenades at your feet and commit suicide. Being killed by Vietcong and yourself don’t count against earning this achievement. Just take it slow, follow the below tips, and you shouldn’t have a problem. Here are a few areas of concern:
1. Any fight against the hooded machete welding infected; there are three separate fights. For the first and third encounter you will need to wait in a corner of the room until they begin to attack. Shot them in the head, they will pause for half a second, and then you need to immediately run diagonally across the room to the next corner and then rinse and repeat. For the second encounter the room is smaller. Once you climb the ladder there is a door frame. You will be sprinting from here to the door frame that is behind the hooded machete welding infected. There is another normal infected that could cause problems if you run to far past the second door frame.
2. After being tortured an infected will take out the Vietcong in your room. Don’t mess with him he is on your left and the ladder to escape is on your right. Grad the machete stuck in the Soldier in front of you and sprint to the ladder.
3. After you escape from the POW camp you will get trapped in a cave. After you make it to a cut-scene of other soldiers firing above you, a horde of infected come out of everywhere towards you. Stay to the left while sprinting and shot when necessary. You can throw grenades but save three for yourself just in case.
4. Just before you enter the temple at the end of the game there will be probably 50 infected outside. Stay at the spot where you start and shot them as the advance towards you. Melee when needed. Sometimes on easy it’s easier to melee because if you do it right you can take out three with 2-3 melee attacks.
Gun Slinger - 15 points
Complete a level firing only a pistol
Can be obtained on the first level on the second playthrough on easy
Take it Like a Man - 40 points
Complete a level without dying
Can be obtained on the first level on the second playthrough on easy
Can’t Quit You - 15 points
Complete the game twice
The last group (which only makes up one achievement) is related to collecting something. In this game you will be collecting weapons.
Fire for Effect - 15 points
Find and pick up every weapon
Here are locations of weapons:
Machete - First level acquired after you first grapple with a Vietcong
Combat Knife - On the level Captured after the first button mashing sequence on the table to the left of the exit door.
American Pistol - You will start a level with it.
Silenced Pistol - On the level Captured it will be in the third building. It’s the first building after the docks.
Vietcong Pistol - Obtained it on the first level.
Revolver - Found on the third level after dropping into the tunnel.
AK-47 - Almost every level.
M16 - Almost every level.
Vietcong Rifle - is found on the second level. Just kill a Vietcong that has one and then pick it up.
Shotgun - When you find the spec ops team in the mansion it will be on the table.
Unmounted Machine Gun - Found in a couple of places but can be obtained on the last level after climbing down from a tall building and then defending against a couple of waves of infected. It is located by the Soldier with no lower body that is crawling.
RPG - Found on the second level after you cross the bridge.)
Thanks for reading my first achievement guide. Let me know what you think.
Blue Leg - 50 points
Complete the game on Easy
Charlie Don’t Surf - 150 points
Complete the game on Normal
Shell Shocked - 200 points
Complete the game on Hard
Host - 10 points
Complete Mission 1 on Normal
Quarantine - 10 points
Complete Mission 2 on Normal
Infection - 10 points
Complete Mission 3 on Normal
Refuge - 10 points
Complete Mission 4 on Normal
Trip - 10 points
Complete Mission 5 on Normal
Hunted - 10 points
Complete Mission 6 on Normal
Captured - 10 points
Complete Mission 7 on Normal
Payback - 10 points
Complete Mission 8 on Normal
Evac - 10 points
Complete Mission 9 on Normal
Whiteknight - 10 points
Complete Mission 10 on Normal
FUBAR - 20 points
Complete Mission 1 on Hard
Deep Serious - 20 points
Complete Mission 2 on Hard
Dinky Dau - 20 points
Complete Mission 3 on Hard
A Laugh a Minute - 20 points
Complete Mission 4 on Hard
BOHICA - 20 points
Complete Mission 5 on Hard
Cut a Chogie - 20 points
Complete Mission 6 on Hard
Bush Master - 20 points
Complete Mission 7 on Hard
Snoop 'n’ Poop - 20 points
Complete Mission 8 on Hard
Zone and Sweep - 20 points
Complete Mission 9 on Hard
Bookoo Hostiles - 20 points
Complete Mission 10 on Hard
Bok-Bok - 15 points
Beat down an enemy
Lots of Bok-Bok - 15 points
Beat down 15 enemies
Caca Dau - 15 points
Score a decapitating head shot
Caca Dau x 15 - 15 points
Score 15 decapitating head shots
Fire for Effect - 15 points
Find and pick up every weapon
Gun Slinger - 15 points
Complete a level firing only a pistol
Take it Like a Man - 40 points
Complete a level without dying
Natural Resistance - 35 points
Complete the game without being killed by an Infected
Hard Boiled - 15 points
Kill 3 enemies with one pistol clip
Field of Fire - 15 points
Kill 5 enemies with one AK47 clip
Army Issue - 15 points
Kill 5 enemies with one M16 clip
Cook-Off - 15 points
Kill 15 enemies with one belt of a non-mounted Heavy Machine Gun
Boom Baby! - 15 points
Kill 3 enemies with one rocket or grenade
Cutting a path - 15 points
Kill 15 enemies with the machete
Free Fire Zone - 15 points
Kill 150 enemies
Can’t Quit You - 15 points
Complete the game twice
SNAFU - 15 points
Dismember 50 enemies