Home Latest News James Bond 007 : Blood Stone Trailer
James Bond 007 : Blood Stone Trailer
Written by Super User   
Saturday, 17 July 2010 00:00
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Since the movie has been cancelled, we still get the game? Activision have released the trailer for James Bond 007 : Blood Stone and Her Majesty's super spy is still blowing things up not so politely. I miss when James Bond had manners...


When he was civil towards megalomaniacal villains by shooting at them dressed in a dinner suit. No dinner suit here unfortunately, yet the game still looks like a lot of fun. Maybe the plot of the game is the same of the not-so-sure-where-the-money-is-coming-as-studio-is-selling movie.


James Bond 007 : Blood Stone is due later this year




Video Games | James Bond 007: Blood Stone | Debut Trailer
XBox 360 | Playstation 3 | Nintendo Wii