Home 5-10 Hours Black Ops Uncut Trailer
Black Ops Uncut Trailer
Written by Slam Da Brakes   
Wednesday, 19 May 2010 09:10


I am not convinced. Maybe Treyarch should have stuck to World War II. I am of course jesting. The new uncut trailer (after the jump) for Call of Duty Black Ops is pretty awesome, even if does look a bit like Modern Warfare....


There is difference in that you play a reprobate or rogue or something and fingers crossed, the zombies will return. There's even a crossbow thrown in the mix. Other than that, there's not really much in it. Lets hope they throw in some night vision goggles with the pre-order.


Call of Duty : Black Ops is due November 9














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Comments (6)
  • reaperghost
    im bored with these games now. mod 2 has no skill in it now, just to many ways of killing, full of cheats as well by the way ur anti spam is crap, i might need to go to spec savers cant tell a c to a e
  • Misplaced1BRAIN  - back to DUTY !
    if you have not read my comment about this game yet, just look at it from six(6) posts earlier.
  • ReZx WHiiPPy  - Awesooooooooooommmmmmmmme.
    I only have 5 words for this trailer-
    "Jizz! In my PANTS!"
  • ReZx WHiiPPy  - Wait.
    Thats 4 words...
    Now i feel retarded...
  • Jesse
    hopefully its set in the 70s...and the story isnt just about heroic americans and arab cannon fodder.
  • sdf  - sdf
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