Home Latest News X-Men Destiny Trailer
X-Men Destiny Trailer
Written by Slam Da Brakes   
Wednesday, 15 June 2011 14:29
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Brought to life by the same studio that gave us Too Human - Silicon Knights - we have a first look of X-Men: Destiny. Don't get too excited as when you watch the trailer, it will look very familiar. You would have seen this type of graphic before somewhere...


Think hard, now where have we seen this? I do like the idea that we can create our own mutant and choose who we fight,  but please the graphics. I tell you where you have seen this type of graphic. In the year 2001 when the original Xbox was around. Come on Silicon Knights, we moved to HD now. 


X-Men: Destiny is due later this year





Tags: GameTrailers.com, E3 2011: Trailer, PC Games, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360










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