Achievement Guide Competition |
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Written by Slam Da Brakes |
Monday, 18 July 2011 03:06 |

Time for another Achievement Guide Competition. Become a legend and write an achievement guide for an Xbox 360 Arcade or Windows Phone 7 game for this site before the 30th July 2011, and be in the running to win 4000 MS points...
All you need to do is become a member (if you are not already) and then post the guide in our achievement guide forum. The guides will be polled and judged by established Easy Xbox 360 Achievements members and staff. The three best descriptive guides will be awarded the Microsoft Points. Are there any rules? Of course there are, did you think we were born yesterday? Pay attention:
All submissions must be wholly your original work. You cannot cut and paste another guide or someone else's guide unless you own the copyright for that guide. If you have submitted a guide for another site, you are quite welcome to post it here.
You can only submit an Arcade or Windows Phone 7 guide that doesn't already exist on THIS site. If you are unsure, use the search engine on the top of every page. If there is guide in place, find another game. Please note : as this is a site about easy achievements, then only games that can achieve 170 - 200 points in under 5 hours will be accepted.
Please READ THE FORUM THREAD BELOW for further information and conditions and good luck everybody!