Home Latest News Gamerscore Challenge : 1 Day To Go
Gamerscore Challenge : 1 Day To Go
Written by Slam Da Brakes   
Tuesday, 22 March 2011 08:23
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There is only ONE day to go until we launch our biggest Gamerscore Challenge yet. The EX3A Gamescore Bracket Challenge levels the playing field by matching players with the similar Gamerscore, enabling more chances to win prizes and badges...


Each winner of each bracket wins 1600 Microsoft points with the overall winner of all brackets collecting 4000 Microsoft points. The challenge runs for 14 days. Interested? READ the notes below and click on the links, but you better be quick to sign up. The Challenge will be launched Wednesday and from Thursday morning from 12am (PST) you have 14 days to increase your Gamerscore.


Please note : 


You need to be a member of our forum to join . Click here for an account.
You also need to have a minimum of 20,000 Gamerscore to join
You will also need to sign up to 360voice.com as they are our Challenge host


Please READ THE RULES HERE to know what is expected


If you know all the above CLICK THE LINK BELOW to take you to the forum signing up post.









Cheat Beast