Home Time Consuming You Don't Know Jack
You Don't Know Jack
Time Consuming
Written by Misplaced1BRAIN   
Sunday, 14 August 2011 01:36
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This game could and will take some (a lot of) time to get most of the chevo's as most of the time, the host (Cookie Masterson) will talk a lot and you can NOT fast forward him (most of the time).


There is a total of 1000G in this game.


You will need to FINISH ALL EPISODES, to SAVE your “Wrong answers of the game”





Before you begin, disconnect your Xbox from Xbox Live by disconnecting the Xbox from your router, or modem and change the date to JULY 4th. DO NOT RECONNECT until you finish the first episode. You will get:


Turncoat - 10 points

Play on July 4th instead of celebrating America


I also suggest that you play this game on a Friday or Saturday night as one of the chevo’s is:


Social Outcast - 15 points

Finish 5 single-player games on Friday or Saturday nights


The easiest way, is to play episode 1 over and over again, but between each play – you can exit to the dashboard and start again OR - change the date on you console to the next Friday or Saturday.


OK now with that done, I added answer sheets for those who want them.


READ THIS POST with the answer sheets


You can get your first achievement just for creating a player:


Birth Certificate - 5 points

Create a contestant


Here you play the first episode and follow the answer sheet to get ALL the CORRECT answers as quickly as you can, ignoring the WRONG answer of the game (just for this episode). If you are able to correctly answer ALL the questions, the DisOrDat, and the Jack Attack (as fast as you can) you should get a TOTAL OF 170 - 185G in the first episode alone.


DisOrDat Participation Award - 5 points

Complete DisOrDat in 30 seconds


DisorDat Destroyer - 15 points

Answer all 7 DisOrDat items correctly


DisOrDash - 30 points

Ace a DisOrDat in under 10 seconds


Button Banger - 15 points

Get a multiple choice question right in the first 2 seconds


Genius for a Day - 30 points

Score at least $30,000 over your average


Vidiot Savant - 50 points

Get every question right in an episode


It's Just More of This - 5 points

Finish an episode


Overconsumer - 20 points

Listen to all the commercials during the credits


NOTE: If you ARE NOT in a DisOrDat, or a JACK ATTACK waste a bit of time and let the clock run down to UNDER 00:59 (less than a second left) and pick the correct answer to get :


Smelt the Roses - 15 points

Get a multiple choice question right in the last 1 second




Play the first episode AGAIN, just like the first time you played BUT this time you want to get ALL the incorrect answers ignore “The WRONG ANSWER of THE GAME” as fast as you can to get : 

Quick-Draw McDumbass - 5 points

Choose wrong answer within the first 3 seconds 10 times


This may need to be done in a combo with two (2) episodes.


NOTE : EXAMPLE: if you were to play Episode 1 of the disc, and get to Question 8, you can only answer (A) or (X) (because, (B) is the correct answer, and (Y) is the "Wrong answer of the Game”) UNTIL you get to the JACK ATTACK (round 3). Here you will need to ignore everything – JUST PRESS (A) as fast as you can.


If you’re fast enough you MAY reach the -$1,000,000 (yes that’s MINUS) to get :


Slack Attack - 37 points

Get -$1 million on a Jack Attack


You will need to press it FAST and TONNES of times, because each incorrect answer is only worth -$4000, and you need to reach -$1,000,000.




This is where you, save the game and EXIT to dashboard and change your clock settings back to the correct date - and RECONNECT to Xbox LIVE,





You should now create a NEW CONTESTANT, as your old one is in the (minus) -$1,000,000 area.


Just following the answer sheet(s) will net you most of the achievements, including the Jack Pack DLC’s , if you have All four (4) you can get 20achievements (five for each DLC pack – please see the bottom of the page for DLC content)


NOTE : XBOX LIVE can NOT be paused, even if you remove the batteries from the controllers.


Achievements you can get either Single player, or Multiplayer (including Xbox Live):


Discover Gauntlet of Fire - 10 points

Find the very important gauntlet of fire


100,000aire! - 10 points

Earn $100,000 lifetime


500,000aire! - 25 points

Earn $500,000 lifetime


Unicorn - 50 points

Achieve the highest gamer rating


One Teat Short of an Udder - 40 points

Achieve the second-highest rating


Mouth-Breather - 30 points

Achieve the third-highest rating


Perfect Attendance - 73 points

Play episodes 1-73


Consolation Achievement - 20 points

Play 5 hours without getting a single achievement


You may be able to just leave for system on and leave it for those five hours, it worked for me. I had to run out for a bit in the middle of a game, and when I got home there it was.


Film in Your Brain - 40 points

Get 10 movie questions correct (excluding downloadable content)


The Game's Half Full - 5 points

Play episodes 1-36


The Game's Half Empty - 5 points

Play episodes 1-37


Phatty - 40 points

Get 10 food questions correct (excluding downloadable content)


The Regis - 50 points

Earn $1,000,000 lifetime points


Beast Master - 40 points

Get 10 animal questions correct (excluding downloadable content)


Living in the Past - 40 points

Get 10 history questions correct (excluding downloadable content)


Great Crowd - 20 points

Laugh at an easy joke



BUT you also need to pick the “WRONG ANSWER OF THE GAME” (the red letter) for every episode to get :


Back Taxes - 40 points

Win all prizes in Episodes 1-73


This is quite easy as well, all you really have to do, is play the game getting all the correct answers EXCEPT - when you reach the question WITH the "wrong answer of the game" you press that one instead.




Multiplayer/XBOX LIVE Achievements :


Jack Attack Dog - 50 points

Get all 7 Jack Attack questions correct in a multiplayer game without messing up


Taking It from Behind - 25 points

Come from behind to win during the Jack Attack


Best way - make sure YOUR score is lower BUT close to the other players, when you get to the "JACK ATTACK" make sure you get more if not all answers correct then the other player, OR other player can just get incorrect answers on purpose.


Menage-a-Quatre - 20 points

Complete a 4-player match on Xbox LIVE


Always a Bridesmaid - 10 points

Come in second place 5 times in multiplayer games


If playing 2 players, just always come in second for 5 episodes – 3 and 4 player games are a bit harder, but can be done.


My First Time - 10 points

Screw someone for the first time


Virtual Virgin - 20 points

Answer correctly after being screwed 5 times


Enscrewsiast - 15 points

Screw 50 times


Lose to a Loser - 15 points

Lose an Xbox LIVE match to someone with a rating at or below Dullard


Beat a Winner - 40 points

Beat someone with a rating of Unicorn in an Xbox LIVE Match


Those LAST two you have to watch your contestants standings. Pay attention to when you or someone else is at the “DULLARD” & “UNICORN” levels. I had it set up with someone, they were even lower then a Dullard, I was Near Unicorn – I beat them, and I reached “UNICORN” they beat me. IT WORKED, they got “beat the Winner” and I got the “Lose to a loser”.


For DLC Guide and answers READ THIS POST





Birth Certificate - 5 points

Create a contestant


It's Just More of This - 5 points

Finish an episode


DisOrDat Participation Award - 5 points

Complete DisOrDat in 30 seconds


DisorDat Destroyer - 15 points

Answer all 7 DisOrDat items correctly


100,000aire! - 10 points

Earn $100,000 lifetime


500,000aire! - 25 points

Earn $500,000 lifetime


The Regis - 50 points

Earn $1,000,000 lifetime points


Back Taxes - 40 points

Win all prizes in Episodes 1-73


Button Banger - 15 points

Get a multiple choice question right in the first 2 seconds


Smelt the Roses - 15 points

Get a multiple choice question right in the last 1 second


Taking It from Behind - 25 points

Come from behind to win during the Jack Attack


DisOrDash - 30 points

Ace a DisOrDat in under 10 seconds


Jack Attack Dog - 50 points

Get all 7 Jack Attack questions correct in a multiplayer game without messing up


Beast Master - 40 points

Get 10 animal questions correct (excluding downloadable content)


Film in Your Brain - 40 points

Get 10 movie questions correct (excluding downloadable content)


Phatty - 40 points

Get 10 food questions correct (excluding downloadable content)


Living in the Past - 40 points

Get 10 history questions correct (excluding downloadable content)


Vidiot Savant - 50 points

Get every question right in an episode


One Teat Short of an Udder - 40 points

Achieve the second-highest rating


Mouth-Breather - 30 points

Achieve the third-highest rating


Unicorn - 50 points

Achieve the highest gamer rating


Turncoat - 10 points

Play on July 4th instead of celebrating America


Quick-Draw McDumbass - 5 points

Choose wrong answer within the first 3 seconds 10 times


Social Outcast - 15 points

Finish 5 single-player games on Friday or Saturday nights


Lose to a Loser - 15 points

Lose an Xbox LIVE match to someone with a rating at or below Dullard


Always a Bridesmaid - 10 points

Come in second place 5 times in multiplayer games


Discover Gauntlet of Fire - 10 points

Find the very important gauntlet of fire


Overconsumer - 20 points

Listen to all the commercials during the credits


Consolation Achievement - 20 points

Play 5 hours without getting a single achievement


Genius for a Day - 30 points

Score at least $30,000 over your average


My First Time - 10 points

Screw someone for the first time


Virtual Virgin - 20 points

Answer correctly after being screwed 5 times


Enscrewsiast - 15 points

Screw 50 times


Menage-a-Quatre - 20 points

Complete a 4-player match on Xbox LIVE


Slack Attack - 37 points

Get -$1 million on a Jack Attack


Beat a Winner - 40 points

Beat someone with a rating of Unicorn in an Xbox LIVE Match


The Game's Half Full - 5 points

Play episodes 1-36


The Game's Half Empty - 5 points

Play episodes 1-37


Perfect Attendance - 73 points

Play episodes 1-73




JACK Wrack - 20 points

Play all episodes in JACK Pack


Map Dancer - 25 points

Get 3 geography questions correct in JACK Pack


Lit Twit - 25 points

Get 3 literature questions correct in JACK Pack


Boob Tuber - 25 points

Get 3 TV questions correct in JACK Pack


Incurable Hoarder - 30 points

Collect all 10 prizes in JACK Pack


JACK Smack - 20 points

Play all episodes in JACK Pack 2


Super Know-va - 25 points

Get 3 astrology questions correct in JACK Pack 2


B Sharp - 25 points

Get 3 music questions correct in JACK Pack 2


Math Head - 25 points

Get 3 math questions correct in JACK Pack 2


Nest Egghead - 30 points

Collect all 10 prizes in JACK Pack 2


JACK Crack - 20 points

Play all episodes in JACK Pack 3


Wizard of Balls - 25 points

Get 3 sports questions correct in JACK Pack 3


Past Perfect - 25 points

Get 3 history questions correct in JACK Pack 3


Sci Fly - 25 points

Get 3 science questions correct in JACK Pack 3


Steaming Stockpile - 30 points

Collect all 10 prizes in JACK Pack 3


JACK Sack - 20 points

Play all episodes in JACK Pack 4


Cock of the Wok - 25 points

Get 3 food questions correct in JACK Pack 4


Hot Butter - 25 points

Get 3 movie questions correct in JACK Pack 4


Animal Husband - 25 points

Get 3 animal questions correct in JACK Pack 4


Overprize Load - 30 points

Collect all 10 prizes in JACK Pack 4


Secret Achievements


Great Crowd - 20 points

Laugh at an easy joke









Cheat Beast