
Kinect games are getting more popular for easy achievements, no game is a better example than Micheal Phelps push the limit. I cant swim i hear you say,well we cant teach you to swim but we can help you unlock 4 achievements for a nice 280g.....
Your first achievement is by far the easiest.
First Finish - 70
Just win a race, quick play or career,very easy
Front Crawl Winner - 70
Just win a front crawl race,as above will be the first one you unlock
Optimum Finish - 70
Swimmers need to put their hand out to stop them when they finish easy put your hand out.
Optimum Dive - 70
Dive like a boss,very easy put your hands out pretend to dive.
The game heads in a pattern like this, achievements range form 70g to 90g and 100g
Looking for a quick fix for your gamer score in under an hour well this is for you.